Sleep Paralysis Stories: Demons Or Hallucinations?

image of a classical painting representing sleep paralysis

Sleep paralysis stories typically involve unusual and frightening experiences. Perhaps you have one or two of these disturbing tales of your own to tell.

If not, I’ll first share one of mine to give you an understanding of what it can be like.

Then we’ll take a closer look at whether sleep paralysis demons or ghosts really exist. Or if science can provide a logical and comforting explanation.

My sleep paralysis experience

Imagine the following scenario: it’s been a long day, you go to bed later than usual and fall asleep quickly through sheer exhaustion.

But instead of waking up peacefully in the morning, you half wake in the middle of the night. And in the darkness of your bedroom, it slowly dawns on you that you can’t move your body…and that someone, or something, is watching you.

A weight pushing on your chest

You feel a weight on your chest, pressing you down and preventing you from sitting up. And not only is your whole body paralyzed, but you can’t so much as move your lips to call out for help.

You’re not sure who or what is pushing on your chest. Even though you seem to be able to move your eyes just a little, it’s too dark to see anyway. Regardless, you just feel that there’s a presence there. Something strange. Something frightening.

This happened to me last year and was a very unsettling experience. Fortunately, there was no demon, ghost or burglar in my bedroom.

After a minute’s panic, the feeling passed. And I was then able to stumble to the bathroom to make sure my face wasn’t decorated with demonic symbols. It was a classic case of sleep paralysis.

What is sleep paralysis?

Recurrent isolated sleep paralysis is classified as a parasomnia, which is a group of sleep disorders involving unwanted behaviors that accompany sleep.

The main symptom is being awake and unable to move your body. It might also be accompanied by hallucinations or dreams/nightmares whilst still awake.

It typically lasts from a few seconds to a few minutes before movement is regained. And although it may feel like it at the time, it’s not believed by medical organizations to be harmful.

What causes it?

The exact reason for why it happens to some people and only on some nights isn’t known. However, scientists do have a theory about what goes on during sleep paralysis.

During the night, you cycle through different sleep stages. When you enter the REM stage of sleep, your brain stops your muscles from moving – known as REM atonia. One explanation for this atonia is that it prevents injury from acting out your dreams in bed.

During sleep paralysis, the atonia starts, or continues, while you’re awake. And during this time, you might also experience what’s known as sleep hallucinations, or dreams while you’re awake.

So your body and brain are temporarily out of sync while transitioning between sleep stages, potentially creating a frightening experience.

As Dr. Michael J. Breus neatly explains:

Sleep scientists believe that sleep paralysis may occur when the transitions in and out of REM sleep and other sleep stages don’t go smoothly.

How many people experience sleep paralysis?

Sleep paralysis stories like mine are surprisingly common. In 2011, researchers aggregated 35 sleep paralysis studies to find out how many people had experienced it at least once in the past year, finding:

  • 7.6% of the general population
  • 28.3% of students
  • 31.9% of psychiatric patients

And according to the handbook of sleep disorders, it will happen at least once in a lifetime of 40% to 50% of normal subjects, but is “far less common as a chronic complaint”.

Who is more at risk of having sleep paralysis?

Scientists might not know the precise reason only some people have sleep paralysis yet, but there are a growing number of risk factors becoming apparent.

For example, researchers who analyzed 42 studies found several risk factors and associated conditions:

  • Sleep problems, changing sleep patterns and shift work.
  • Sleep disorders such as narcolepsy, obstructive sleep apnea, insomnia and nocturnal leg cramps.
  • Stress.
  • Some psychiatric groups, particularly those with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, anxiety and panic disorders.
  • Substance and medication use.
  • Physical illness.
  • Personality and anomalous beliefs.

Is there a genetic component to sleep paralysis?

In 2015, British researchers published a study of 862 twins and siblings aged between 22 and 32. They did find some evidence of a genetic role, but only a small one:

In this sample of young adults, sleep paralysis was moderately heritable

Interestingly, they also found other independent risk factors, including:

  • Disrupted sleep cycles
  • General sleep quality
  • Anxiety symptoms
  • Exposure to threatening events

Polls – readers’ experience of sleep paralysis

I polled readers of this article for a year to find out what kind of sleep paralysis episodes they had.

Note that it’s likely that many people who search online about it will have had the more frightening episodes, skewing the results.

But they still provide a fascinating insight into what people experience and how they cope.

Poll 1

In poll 1, the most common episode was thinking there was a demon or other being in the room.

chart showing the results of my poll about the type of sleep paralysis experiences people have

Poll 2

Poll 2 shows that many readers find sleep paralysis terrifying. Again, those who search online for it are likely to have found it particularly disturbing.

chart of poll results for how scared people are during sleep paralysis

Poll 3

Poll 3 shows that many readers first experienced sleep paralysis during adolescence.

chart with poll results about the age people first have sleep paralysis

Poll 4

Poll 4 shows that most readers don’t experience sleep paralysis on a regular basis. 

chart showing poll results about how often people have sleep paralysis

Poll 5

Poll 5 shows some of the ways readers deal with episodes. You’ll find more coping mechanisms below.

chart showing the results of the poll about techniques for stopping sleep paralysis

The not so scientific explanations for sleep paralysis

image of a woman floating above the bed

Since first writing this article several years ago, there has been an extraordinary number of comments. And the comments show that not everyone accepts the scientific explanation.

Interestingly, some people struggle to accept it even though they consider themselves to be scientifically minded generally. I think these cases highlight just how realistic the experience of sleep paralysis can be; how it can linger in your memory and makes you question what happened for a long time afterward.

The possibility of demons, ghosts, spiritual beings, and aliens all crop up from time to time in the comments too. And while many people accept their experiences as hallucinations or dreams, some people choose to believe another explanation – that those entities are real.

Despite these beliefs, there’s one clear theme: nothing bad ever actually happens, other than being frightened and perhaps losing some sleep after an episode.

Around the world

Cultural beliefs also appear to play a role in how sleep paralysis is perceived by some people.

In Fiji, for example, the demon is sometimes seen as a deceased relative coming back to discuss an important or unfinished matter.

In Chinese folklore, it’s also seen as a ghost rather than a demon or intruder.

Some people in Iran and Pakistan interpret it as demons or spirits taking over your body. This could be due to black magic performed by an enemy.

The common theme is that the entity is usually something to be feared. I’m yet to find a culture which believes it’s a friendly creature!

Sleep paralysis treatment

When to see a doctor

Fortunately, most people don’t experience sleep paralysis very often, and no treatment is usually required.

However, if the following apply to you, it’s a good idea to speak to your doctor:

  • It happens regularly.
  • You’re anxious about sleep paralysis and going to sleep.
  • You don’t get enough sleep.
  • You feel very sleepy during the day, sometimes fall asleep suddenly or lose control of your muscles.

What medical treatment is available?

If you see a doctor, they might take the following action:

  • Refer you to a sleep specialist to assess if you have another sleep disorder, like narcolepsy.
  • Treat any underlying psychiatric condition.
  • Discuss any medication or substance use that might be a factor.
  • Explain the biological processes involved in sleep paralysis to reassure you.
  • Talk to you about developing good sleep habits. This is thought to help reduce the frequency of sleep paralysis.

Readers’ techniques for coping with sleep paralysis

Over the years, many readers have described how they cope with sleep paralysis, and I’ve created a list of the most frequent ideas below.

The first seven in the list are also suggested by sleep experts. The rest are a mix of personal opinions. Please bear in mind that none are guaranteed to work:

  • Don’t let yourself become too sleep-deprived.
  • Stick to a regular sleep schedule.
  • Try to reduce stress and anxiety in your life.
  • Try to vigorously flutter your eyelids or move your eyes, as this tends to be an area of the body that’s less affected by the paralysis.
  • Focus on wiggling just one finger or a toe.
  • Don’t take recreational drugs or drink alcohol in the evening.
  • Don’t sleep on your back.
  • Stay calm.
  • Tell yourself that you’re in control. You can order the experience to stop.
  • If you feel a weight on your chest, imagine there’s something friendly causing it.
  • Film yourself sleeping so you can see there was nothing in the room.
  • Don’t think about what it could be. Your imagination will probably make up something scary in the darkness.
  • Organize your bedroom in a way that makes you feel safe and secure.
  • Don’t hang dressing gowns, coats, or hats in places that make them look like figures in the dark.
  • Sleep with a night light, music, or radio on.
  • Remind yourself that nothing bad will happen.
  • Imagine your body rolling from side to side in your mind and count each roll. Focus on this and try to grow the capacity for movement from there.
  • Count numbers to focus your mind on something else.
  • Don’t sleep with a high pillow.
  • Keep your eyes shut and try to clear your mind.
  • Squeeze your eyes tightly shut if you can control the muscles.
  • Keep well hydrated – drink water before going to bed.
  • Talk about it to family or friends – they may have experienced it too.
  • If you have it once, get out of bed for a while to reset the brain.
  • Many people say prayer helps. Some also say that calling on their religious beliefs and commanding what they see to leave helps them.
  • Check if any sleeping pills or herbal remedies you’re taking are causing it.
  • Use sleep paralysis to lucid dream by relaxing and going with the experience instead of fighting it.
  • Once the episode has passed, tell yourself that you overcame it, are not afraid and will always overcome it.

How I recently stopped an episode of sleep paralysis

I successfully used two of the above techniques to stop a recent episode of sleep paralysis.

I woke to find myself in a strange position with my arms crossed on top of my body. And I could literally feel strong hands pinning my wrists to my chest.

I have to admit I was immediately petrified. The whole event was blurry, and I think I was having some dream overlap, but can’t remember exactly what now.

Stay calm and wiggle a finger

Two things sprung to mind after a moment of panic: stay calm and try to wiggle a finger.

The calmness I only managed with moderate success. But I did manage to focus my efforts on moving a finger. It felt quite odd – like my fingers were wiggling in different directions!

Eventually, I felt my arms loosen as well, and soon afterward I was able to shake the whole sensation away as I regained full control.

I then spent a few minutes doing some breathing exercises to ground myself and calm down, and then fell asleep again.

I think just knowing about the finger wiggling technique was enough for me to remember it when the sleep paralysis occurred.

Share your story of sleep paralysis

Have you had sleep paralysis? What happened, and do you have any suggestions to help others deal with it?

Please feel free to share your experience in the comments below.


  1. This happened to me a few times so far. I saw a demon moving in the dark and he climbed on my chest. I was trying to move and I was gasping for air to breathe. It was the most terrifying experience ever. I said Jesus please help me and the demon went away. Then another night I felt a bunch of hockey sticks hitting me hard in my ribs. I got the wind blown out of me. Then another night my grandfather just died it’ll be a year ago. And he came to me in my dream I was awake. He came by my parents house and we heard him mumble something to me and then he went away he had a glow to him too.

  2. I’ve never had this kind of thing happen before. In the middle of the night, while my boyfriend was snoring beside me, I heard a voice (that sounded like my boyfriend) say “You are going to die tonight”. I could see my dark room, but I couldn’t turn around to see who was speaking. I started breathing really heavily and woke up. This kind of thing has never happened to me before. I have no idea what triggered it.

  3. My husband had recurring episodes when he was 10 or 11 years old. A demon would grab his ankles and flip him in the bed, so his head would end up at the foot of the bed. He would wake up in that weird position. He also had a sense that the episodes were coming on the nights it happened.

  4. It’s not the first time I’ve had this but not for a while. I was asleep but could feel something from the back of me clinging to my back and wrapping its legs around my waist with its arms around my neck. I could feel rather than see it was scaly but also had sparse hairs too. I was trying to make a noise from my throat to wake myself up. I couldn’t move and it was shuffling more into me to get a firm hold. I couldn’t guess how long it was going on for but then I seemed to get some movement back and woke myself up making a guttural noise in the throat. While it’s happening I feel that I am aware of what it is and no harm will come to me if I can just wake up. I did have one similar some time ago while I was in hospital, the lady in the next bed was woken up by my grunts. I have had some in my life, some are different in that they come to me from the front which I find more disturbing, I can see more of them. None are human though.

    • I experienced the exact creature you explained and I couldn’t tell how long it went on for but I had to finally swear out for it to get off of me as I swatted at it this happened before 4 am as that’s when I asked my wife if she heard me and she checked the time. A few years ago I had an episode where something was pinning me down and a heavy feeling on my chest and also wouldn’t leave until I was finally able to call out and tell it to leave. My current experience was also March 22 2021.

    • I experienced this last night at 1:00 am. I’m 46. My sleep patterns are normal. I’m a calm person. I’m a Christian. I’m not sure why this would happen to me.

      My son and his girlfriend stayed up watching a scary movie (insidious). Very scary demonic movie supposedly based on true events. I’ve never seen it and stay away from these movies.
      I first heard growling under my bed, then it started to shake my bed. I started to wake up and felt this heavy weight on me. I tried to roll over to turn on my lamp but I couldn’t. My arm and body where held back. I couldn’t get passed the edge of the bed. I began to try again and again but couldn’t get up. I remembered to speak the name of Jesus. Darkness flees at his mighty name. My jaw was locked shut. I spoke through my teeth.
      “Flee in the name of Jesus,” I said this several times then finally I was released off my bed. I turned on my lamp then walked into the living room where they were watching this horror movie. I had no idea what they were watching at first. They paused it and asked if the dryer woke me up because they were doing laundry. I said no, I replied
      I had a bad dream or something was happening in the house. They were shocked and then told me that they were watching a scary movie. The last time they were watching a scary movie, the fire alarm went off for no reason.
      I got my rosary out to sleep with. Kept my lamp on but couldn’t go back to sleep until 5 am

  5. I have had this for years, and I have been physically held down whilst it put its hand around my throat, I have also had it punch me in the ribs, more than once with the bruises to prove it, I’ve had it come in my room and stand and stare or walk around the bed, so it’s not harmless, it’s the same as it holds me down, paralysing me, unable to talk, move etc, it’s terrifying

  6. I’ve never had sleep paralysis, but, to answer other people’s questions, if the demon isn’t there and is a hallucination, why do people feel the hand/body on their body??

  7. I was sleeping, yet I could feel a “presence “ appear in my room. Literally, I could feel the “Demons “ hand on my stomach, it was pushing down on me very hard. I remember that in my mind I needed to push him away, but my arms wouldn’t move. I prayed “Dear God please help me “ and suddenly the demon was gone!! I felt afraid, and immediately believed that there were evil spirits in my room. I grabbed my phone and ran to a different bedroom and prayed myself back to sleep.
    Your article states that we are imagining these demons, but how did I actually feel his hand and his presence?

    • That what I wanted to know. It happens to me so many times that sometimes l would stay up all night not wanting to go to bed.

    • Ditto. This is all too real. I actually feel a strong energy and my ears get plugged like when just before they pop at higher altitudes. I can actually feel the touch. The hands. The scratches. More real than any normal dream or nightmare.

  8. I have currently been feeling anxiety and just been feeling a bit off. Nights ago I woke up in the middle of the night but I was still half asleep and I’m not sure if it was a dream or just intrusive anxiety thoughts but I remember that a bad spirit or demon was trying to talk to me. He was trying to communicate with me and told me things like “my dad is a bad person” and telling me to do bad things to them back. Since I was half asleep, I was eventually agreeing with him/it. I then realized it was something bad and evil and I asked God to get that thing away from me. At the time though, I wasn’t scared. Days passed and I didn’t even remember that happened until days after I was in the shower. I eventually remembered that happened and got freaked out.

    • I was having very vivid dreams last night, when I woke up I was still in a daze, I heard my name whispered by a feminine voice from where I thought was outside my window, I thought it was my mother and she needed me to open the front door, I was spooked though as it was dark and I wasn’t certain on the source of my name being said, I was wiggling my hand to get my phone from my bed for light when I saw a shadowy figure on the wall in front of me and I kid you not I heard a scary movie DUN noise of some sort, stuck staring at the figure not able to move I was terrified, I tried to scream to get someone to help me from this thing and only a whisper was made, eventually my motor functions returned and I got up gasping for air, gobsmacked as to what I just experienced.
      Those hallucinations are truly terrifying.

  9. I have just experienced last night what they called sleep paralysis and not only the first time experience for me and last night like I was about to fall asleep and I feel like on top of my head something or someone touch my head and feel like someone pulled out my foot and I started to pray our father and saying and calling Saint Michael the archangel. If ever next time around anybody experiences again just say what do you want and say go away and I’m not afraid of you. It’S a bad spirit and that you can stop that, just say a prayer.

    • I wanted to post separately, but there is no area for that. I was 18 years old when I had this experience. I am now 53 years old. I will never forget it. I WAS SLEEPING ON THE SOFA< MY LITTLE BROTHER WAS ON THE FLOOR FELL ASLEEP WATCHING TV. I woke, it was about 3am. I went to lift my head and couldn’t move it. My arms were free and mobile. I kept trying to lift my head but it felt like something was holding it down. I got mad and I put my hands behind my head and yanked it up. At that point, whatever was holding it down, got pissed. It took complete control of my entire body and rolled me off the sofa, up and over my brother, and into the wall on the other side of the rook. I hit the wall and rolled back and over my brother and up and back onto the sofa! it did it with force. I sat up terrified. I woke my brother when I rolled over him, and he got up laughing, thinking I was playing some kind of game. I was afraid to fall back to sleep. I sat up and smoked three cigarettes in a row before going back to sleep. When I was rolling across the floor I couldn’t see well back to the sofa to notice if my body was there, but I don’t recall seeing it, and I did wake my brother. After that, my brother would sleep in bed with my mother, and he would roll over her saying STEAM ROLLER! He thought it was funny. I think he got it from my rolling over him. I never told anyone about it until ten years later when we were talking about nightmares. I was having crazy nightmares before I woke and found something holding my head down. I think it is either spirits or some kind of alien doing something to our heads. Before that I did do some sleepwalking. I think I did after that as well. One time before, I got up in front of a room full of people I was partying with, and walked over to a closet and urinated in it. A few years afterwards, I had an apartment, and a roommate who shared the apartment. We had separate rooms. This roommate told me he thinks I am peeing in the closet in the middle of the night and wanted me to stop. I said I aint peeing in the closet. My closet backed up to the living room where there was a large fish tank. I told him I think maybe the fish tank is leaking. Because the floor behind it was wet. So was the inside of my closet. He swore it smelled like pee. I thought the tank leaked but couldn’t find a leak. years later soeone told me about the time I sleep walked and peed in the closet at their house. It was then that I looked back and said, hmm. maybe I was sleepwalking in that apartment I had. I just never knew it. So I did do a lot of sleep walking. I wonder if it had anything to do with my experience with a force rolling me across the room, and with force? It is the only time it ever happened to me.

  10. I’m not sure if this was sleep paralysis but it was still terrifying. I woke up around 6am because I was really hot. I pulled my arms above my head and poked a foot out from under the blanket. After lying there a few minutes I felt like I was being watched. I heard what sounded like a little girl’s giggle from the foot of my bed. I ignored it and not too long after that I felt a tap on my toe. Almost instantaneously after that, it was like something rushed me. There was a high-pitched screeching or screaming in my ears. I felt immense pressure all around me and it was like it was holding me in place. I couldn’t see anything around me but I felt pure terror. I started to hyperventilate and eventually reached over and grabbed my girlfriend’s leg to wake her up. I was too scared to get up until she was awake. I told her about the experience and she said she’s awoke to the feeling of being watched multiple times but never anything like that.

  11. Last night I felt a “Skeleton” that was vibrating and its voice was vibrating and low and sounded terrifying. It slid its arm around my shoulder and squeezed my arm. I couldn’t move and was just making mumbled sounds as I tried to cry out. While it had its arm around me and clasped my arm with its hand, his temple, cheek and side of his chin we’re boring into my temple cheek and side of my chin.. Then he repeated “whose voice was I seeking” or to find out “which voice was I listening to?” Several times. Then he rolled over and put his face to my face and I could feel the pressure/pain of the bones pushing into mine again, this time face to face. I still couldn’t scream. He had a yellow, black and orange aura. I haven’t read any previous comments. I’m too scared to. I’m afraid to go to sleep tonight. It’s worth mentioning that my 2 young kids in bed with me didn’t even stir, or my husband until I was finally able to scream.. When I checked my phone for the time which was around 3 am, my flash light on my phone was open and a message my friend had sent me about how in the book of Enoch it breaks down what the word “Lord” translates to and what the word “God” translates to. The author of the was passage saying to be “careful which God that you’re praying to” based on the translations. I’ve also been in a “Dark night of the soul” almost 6 years. Some of my areas of research for years have been the occult and how the occult influences the world and our every day lives, MK Ultra, SRA and the rabbit holes of many more. Also my cats normally always sleep with me and pull me out of bad dreams and they were waiting outside my door when I opened it… I also had crystals in my pillow case and it still got to me. One last detail is as an empath I felt a sense that I was prey, and a couple of other unsavory vibes I identified.

  12. I’ve had sleep paralysis only once. I was between the age 17 – 18 (I can’t actually remember exactly when, I’m now 29). So one night I was down visiting my father and siblings, I ended up staying the night crashing in my younger brother’s room, as he had two single beds. When lying in bed across the room and slightly to the left is the room door that leads to the hallway. Now I can remember sitting up in bed and on my phone, the bedroom light was as I wasn’t tired or going to sleep yet and then all of a sudden it was like instantly I could move but I was still sitting up in bed. Now I was confused as it wasn’t like I drifted off to sleep, I didn’t enemy close my eyes, yet now I couldn’t move. Now the weird thing was I was standing up and in line with the door, but it felt like I was still in my bed and I didn’t notice I was standing up because it was like I was too fixated on this feeling of being frozen in one spot. I felt this tremendous pressure, it wasn’t something holding me or pushing down on me, but it was like the air was so heavy and full of extreme evil energy. I can’t even describe it, I was terrified and it was a fear that I cannot even describe but a fear that will forever stick with me because for me it wasn’t natural. I grew up in a rough working class neighbourhood and always used to get into fights, I’ve had people jump me, people pull knives on me and tried to stab me and done a lot of stupid things in my time and I’ve never been scared of anything. My fight or flight response is always to fight and have a calmness about me even in danger. I’ve also had near-death experiences and even they were not scary. So having fear is something that isn’t really natural to me, but this, this made me feel out of my depth, like this energy was really something extremely evil and dangerous beyond what I’ve experienced in reality. It also made me whimper and I could feel my eyes watering up from all this pressure and atmosphere.

    Then all of a sudden my voice spoke for me, it was my voice, I felt it come from my voice box, but it hadn’t been thinking or saying anything, it was like my body pushed it out or forced it out, as if I didn’t have control of my body and I ended up saying to myself “he’s here” and there was a sound that sounded like it was coming up the hallway because it was quite and starting increasingly getting louder. It was a gurgling noise, it was so horrific, it sounded like if someone was being drowned or had water in their lungs or if someone was choking on vomit. There was no coughing just this disturbing drowning sound and gurgling, then the door slowly opened and then in the hallway there was a entity, it was pretty small, maybe about 5 ft 4” or thereabouts and it was dressed in this white gown but it was like extremely dirty, as if it was old or as if it was a body that has been found buried in it. The gown was tattered and it was like nearly a beige colour and I think that was only because of all the dirt and such on it. The entities skin was pale white, like as if you’ve ever seen a picture of a dead body and it goes that pale way where there is literally no colour to it. I could even see the blue veins and the skin was bruised purplish and dark spots, kind of like decomposition makes I guess. It also was barefooted and long black hair covering its face but the hair was greasy and oily looking and look like it hadn’t been washed in a while or maybe it was wet I don’t know it was just very disgusting and unkempt looking. Now the entity was walking but it was like watching a movie with a low frame-rate, each time it moved it was like the movement was slightly blurred and not as clear and it kept jerking and cracking its limbs as it moved, it was disturbing the way it walked up the hall and twitching and walking strange. As it was getting closed to the door it was gargling and making the drowning sound but not it was also starting to make a growling noise and it wasn’t an animal growl, the growl was deep and like nothing I’ve ever heard in this world. As this started to happen I felt my eyes getting more watery with fear and I couldn’t move, I standing frozen in a panic and then as it got to the door it stopped and the gurgling went away but the growling was getting more aggressive and it slowly started to lift its head upwards and I remember the evil energy in the atmosphere and that weird fear I felt was getting more stronger and bearing down on my body and what felt like deep inside me into my soul and I remember I started to get frustrated that it has the audacity to challenge me and not even let me unfreeze so I could attack it. Even during this in my head I was saying to myself and towards it as if I was trying to speak to it telepathically at it that when I could move I was going to going to destroy and kill it and I felt a deep and anger inside myself, it was like my primal animalistic nature came back and I remember I lived a rough life and didn’t fear man, so why was I fearing this and I just remember repeating with an aggressive voice in my head that I’m going to break free and I’m going to kill it and by time I was screaming this angrily towards it but it was like not coming out my voice but I could hear my voice in my head do this as if it was as clear as my real voice and then it’s head was almost upright and I remember feel like I’m doing it, this is it I’m going to run full sprint at it and I’m not scared and I’m going to make it regret it’s actions as I’m beating it to death with my bare hands and then suddenly the door slammed shut, and then it was like I blinked and I was back In bed sitting upright and could move again, but I didn’t wake up, it just kind of ended.

    I took a second to go over why the door was closed and what the hell just happened and what was that because it wasn’t a dream or a nightmare and my mind was so confused at what I just experienced.

    The weird thing is after I was pondering the first few seconds I could move again, I heard outside the door in the hallway light few footsteps as if someone was walking backwards. The carpet and floor beds made a slight sound.

    I then composed myself and went to check my younger siblings in the other room and then also my father and stepmother’s room and everyone was fast asleep.

    This was my one and only sleep paralysis experience and it was so surreal. Every part still sticks with me until this day. It’s like it only happened yesterday.

    Again I’ve never had that unnatural fear that I felt again. It was like someone with strong fear emotion taking over my body. I’ve never felt so powerless and it’s so weird as I don’t fear or get scared easily, but that was such a bizarre feeling and not one I want to ever experience again in a hurry.

    I’m just wondering if anyone has had a similar entity like mine. I’ve tried to read all SP instances on the internet, but none have been like mine, everyone has seemed to have the same experiences but never like whatever it was I seen.

    Also, it was so weird that I got so aggressive towards it that I’ve never had to tap into my extreme fighter instinct. It was like I know I was outmatched but I was aggressively and full of energy that I was going to just jump it and attack and pull and twist at its head and limbs until I killed whatever it was. I’ve never felt that kind of primal aggression before.

    I guess this is the inner strength we summon when we know we are fighting for our lives. I guess flight is not within my soul and I’m a fighter until death. Kind of reassuring to know that’s my inner being, if I ever need to summon it in a life or death scenario.

  13. I had this problem as a child. It happened several times a week. Weirdly I thought it was less likely to happen if I slept on my back. I would feel that I was floating towards the ceiling and then a few seconds later I would feel an evil presence there with me. Sometimes we would be together up in the dark loft, I would be unable to move or scream. This was the part that was so absolutely terrifying. Occasionally I would float downstairs and see my parents watching TV. It lasted a year or so, I was very young, I guess just as I started to understand reality. I am 50 years old now and it is still ingrained in my memory…
    It’s strange but I remember the exact moment when it all stopped. One morning (I was looking into the fridge) and I kind of realised that I was now above it, too strong for it. I was now in charge, not the presence. I just knew I was over it. From that day on I never had the experience again.

    • Hey Peter, I read your story of your experience and I think I might have an explanation. The floating and flying you said you experienced might be what some call astral projection. And the disconnect from your soul and your body might’ve attracted dark beings that you saw. These things can’t hurt us but I believe that they exist. Just my take on it.

      • Yeah. I also believe it’s Astral Projection. When your soul disconnects from your body you see strange or weird things that you never saw before. Your spirits meeting other all kinds of spirit in your space. One must fight them if they seem or act evil towards you. If it happens and you dream, see yourself in your dream while your other self is watching the other, don’t leave yourself there. Touch yourself before waking up.

  14. Long story short I experienced SP. I was extremely sleepy. When I tried to go to sleep my body shut down. My eyes was half open and my brain was still fully awake. It lasted like for 5 minutes. I could hear my inner thoughts saying why can’t I move. I could see the room around me. I tried to move a toe it did not work. I woke up finally and I looked at the wall but I was still very sleepy. I went back to sleep it happened again to me twice. I stayed up for a while and I went back to sleep because I was so tired and It did not happen anymore.

    • This is similar to my experience with SP, whenever I have it I always keep my eyes closed because I’m not trying to see any demon, but also because of the things I hear when it happens to me… they’re terrifying. The first time I had it I was probably around 17 and I remember feeling like something heavy was on me and I was sinking into the bed unable to move. And before I even decided to open my eyes I heard a voice behind me say something along the lines of “Don’t be scared” But it wasn’t my voice, it was a very Low and distorted voice that sounded like it was right behind me. I’ve had SP about 8 times in my life now and every experience is different, but I’ve never once opened my eyes because I don’t want to know what will accompany the noises I hear. But I’m also strangely curious as to what I would see.

  15. I see it’s been a while since anyone has posted so I really hope you respond. I’ve been having sleep paralysis for a long time. It started when I was 13 or so. At first, I had all the “normal” hallucinations. Being pinned down, not being able to move, dark presence, static noises. Then, it stopped for awhile and in my 20s I started having it again but this time it was more like being dragged out of bed, voices (not as common, but still part of sleep paralysis hallucinations). This happened to me very often. Maybe every other day or at heart once a week for a whole year. I started reading about it and learned how to control it with the wiggling of the toe and just staying calm. I would normally just go into lucid dreaming after that. Then, it stopped for a good while again, but just recent I’ve been having them again. But this time it’s kinda different and it’s really freaking me out. The first time it came back, it started with footsteps. I have a 5 year old so I was 100% it was here at first. Then, I feel like this childlike (still thinking it’s my daughter) thing climbs on my back (just like a child would when they’re trying to get in bed with their parents) but kinda stops on my back. Just sitting there. No pressure or anything. I was sleeping on my stomach, so I reach with hands towards my back, and at that moment I feel this force chocking me and that’s when the suffocating feeling and paralysis starts. I was so caught off guard by it so I panic. I start praying and it was just not working. I couldn’t even remember the prayer. Finally I calm myself down enough to remember the words and it finally let’s go. So, as I’m blinking awake I can see this demonic face (kind of like those optical illusion tricks) every time I blink for a few seconds until it finally goes away. It terrifies me because I’ve never had anything like that happen to me. And I’ve had plenty of sleep paralysis episodes in my life. Tonight it happened again. Started with paper crumbling and then I knew it was coming so I started wiggling my toes, and I could feel them wiggle (or so I thought), but couldn’t snap out of it. I also turned (or so I thought) and I didn’t see anything but I just couldn’t breathe. I was suffocating. I start to pray for what it seemed like forever and it finally let go. I wake up. I kinda brush it off. Turn on my stomach and as I started falling back asleep I feel this childlike thing get on my back and lay down on top of me, with no pressure. I could feel the warmth of its body (again thinking it’s my daughter), and then I hear my daughter cough (we sleep in the same room in different beds). So, I just stayed really still and really calm just waiting for something to happen, but nothing did. I felt the warmth and weight of a child on my back for a little bit and then it just went away and I was wide awake.
    I would really like to know your opinion. Like I said, I’m no stranger to sleep paralysis, but it almost seems that my sleep paralysis is finding new and unique ways to make my already proven methods useless, and the whole thing with thinking it’s my daughter it almost seems evil (I know it’s silly but come on!). I’m really hoping you respond. Thank you for taking the time to read me out.

  16. I just had sleep paralysis for the first time and I am 24 years old.. well if that’s what you want to call it. So my boyfriend and I kept waking up all night, the cat was up playing and the neighbors were being loud too. I was up at 2am, then 3am, then 4 am, then BOOM it happened. I opened my eyes and looked around, I was pretty sure I was awake as normal. My boyfriend was asleep next to me and the bedroom looked exactly the same. I felt a presence in the room with me and started getting scared. The ‘tall human-like’ BAD energy filled the room. It came towards me and stood next to where I was sleeping in the bed. The fear I felt was like no other nightmare I’ve had before. This presence then lifted me above my body. I started to scream for my life. I started to scream for my boyfriend next to me to help save me because the entity made me feel as though they had killed me. I was in a vivid white cloud above my body and was being shocked. I was being shocked by what I can only explain as lightning into my soul above my body. The entity was freezing me over and over in a flash of white light as I screamed for my boyfriend. Before I knew it, I was asleep and awoke again. Not until the morning did I realize what had happened. My boyfriend said he heard me moaning at the time it would of been happening but he thought it sounded like a good dream so he let me sleep. I felt as though someone visited me last night and it wasn’t a dream. They took me out of my body and tortured me, making me feel as though I was dead, then they put me back. Who came to see me last night? They also reminded me that I forgot to pray before I fell asleep.. god bless.

    • Same. It’s like someone is holding my head down tho. I keep thinking I’m finally awake just to realize I’m still asleep. I always see the exact surroundings that are around me with a black figure walking by, as someone is turning my head away from it so I cant see it coming tho I know it’s there… n holding my head down. I think/feel it’s an intruder n I feel so scared. So I yell wake me up…wake me up…wake me up until my husband wakes me. He only hears me mumbling loudly but he knows to wake me when he hears me trying to talk or mumble now. I’m so glad he knows to wake me now. Pulls me out of it faster. I don’t even know how I am able to mumble. I focus on yelling instead of trying to move my arm or something. I focus really hard on my own throat n yell wake me up, wake me up. Since he knows to wake me now, I don’t get stuck there. That is the only time really that I mumble or try to talk in my sleep. Strange that me yelling as loud as I can be merely mumbling in reality, but it’s such a relief when he wakes me up.
      Good luck to you. And thanks for sharing.

  17. So usually I had them every once in a blue moon but this past week I had it three nights in a row. And every single time I experience an episode, whatever it is it always drags me to the end of the bed, up the headboard or off the side of the bed and I remember running to the kitchen and grabbing a knife and in the living room I saw a Black figure of a little girl I ended up running back to the bedroom and then it continued to drag me and sometimes I feel like I’m waking up and I try to open my eyes but something forces them shut and I go back into it. Then the second night it was a daemonic dog growling at me When he jumped on the bed I tried to pull the blankets over top of me then again drags me off the side of the bed and I wake up the third night it wasn’t anything It was just dragging me everywhere and I ended up waking myself up. I absolutely hate them.

  18. I’m 48 and recall having some episodes when I was in my teens and 20s, but nothing like I experienced last night. I don’t know if it was sleep paralysis or not because I couldn’t open my eyes. I’m curious if anyone else has trouble opening their eyes. I mean I guess I’m glad I couldn’t after reading some of the horrific things people have seen. I could just feel what was going on. I felt something move across the base of my bed near my feet and then it came up behind me and “spooned me”. I was asleep on my left side. It was like I was in between being asleep and awake. I tried screaming and woke myself up. Something else happened, too but I cannot remember it now. I just remember thinking what the heck is happening? .. but can’t recall what the second incident is now. Weird.

    • SAME! I “wake up” feeling something with weight to it sitting on the end of the bed. Then, the weight slides next to me from behind and pushes down on me as if “spooning”. Next time this happened, I again felt something sit on the end of my bed, then slide up my body, lay on me then it slid back down and the weight was gone. I am too terrified to try to move. I did have anxiety as a child but am perfect as an adult.

      • I have had SP since I was just little- I can open my eyes & see the room- my entity is a wispy white or smoke colored female that floats in the corner of the room- I am flooded with the sense of evil & feel the bed start moving & I feel myself starting to levitate up off of the bed- when I was about 8-9 yrs old I finally just told myself that there is no point in being afraid- whatever is going to happen is going to happen & since that time I no longer feel the evil presence- just the levitating accompanied with hyperventilating & panic- does anyone else feel like they are floating up out of their bed?- all I’m hearing is weight holding them down.

        • I just experienced the lifting off the bed. I was taking a nap and towards the end of my nap I felt the presence pushing down, then lifting me up so light I felt like I was levitating…the pushing down and lifting up happened three times before I was able to open my eyes. At first, I convinced myself it was a good presence, but then my mind went to darker places and I panicked. I was finally able to wake out of it but I am still freaked.

        • Yes, I had this a couple of nights ago and it was very scary. Felt like an unseen force was levitating me off the bed and I heard a man’s voice laugh too.

  19. This is all so weird and comforting to hear (although I’m sorry that you did) that so many people have gone through similar experiences. I just woke up from literally hearing my bedroom door open and having a strong sensation of someone holding my arms tightly together so I couldn’t move and then a snicker in my ear. Literally. Almost evil. It was so crazy. Then the sensation slowly went away and I woke up terrified. I was in the middle of a dream right before this and was telling a story in the dream to my neighbor. All of a sudden I couldn’t talk in the dream and then this whole thing happened. Now I can’t go back to sleep! So so weird.

    • I’ve experienced the ‘spooning’ thing as well! I woke up to feel something small snuggling up behind my neck and breathing in my shoulder – it was making my shoulder cold. I actually thought it was my dog (I have a small terrier dog that sleeps in her own basket in my bedroom.) But then I heard her move around in her basket and realised I was having another episode of sleep paralysis. When I began to be able to move again the thing also moved, but instead of being some small thing near my shoulder it was as tall as a human and its full length was laying right behind me, and ‘spooning’ me. Then it peeled away from me – one of the most disturbing feelings I’ve ever experienced – and floated away.
      I eventually sat up in my bed, and my right shoulder, that it had been breathing on, felt like ice. It was one of the worst experiences of sleep paralysis I’ve ever experienced and I don’t think I’ll ever forget it. The cold patch on my shoulder I could still feel when I was fully awake still gives me the creeps.

  20. I just woke up from one just right now. I was curious to find out if anyone experiences what I experience. It seems as though everyone goes through similar situations but I never see one that I go through. When I get SP I wake up unable to move and talk, however, I don’t feel any pressure on my chest or any feeling of demons being near. I only feel like I can’t breathe automatically, almost as if I don’t do it forcefully I won’t breathe at all. I definitely try to stay calm and start by moving my fingers. Today though I felt like I was going to pass out even though I was already asleep??? Weird, lastly I wake up from SP only to go back to sleep seconds later and experience this several times over unless I tell myself that this next time I wake up I’m staying awake! Please someone let me know if you experience the same things. Thanks

    • Hi, I have had similar experiences to you. I usually get SP when I am very tired or have gone to sleep in a weird position. I usually can’t move or breathe. It is horrible and sometimes it happens a few times in a row as I try to drift off to sleep. It’s often accompanied by a kind of rush of blood feeling in my head. However, now I know it just passes, I have been able to stay calm and ride it out. Thankfully I have not had an episode in a while!

    • Hi I’m a nurse in a covid ward. I had the same experience. I was having a stressful dream I was at work and I couldn’t move and I was asking for help. I woke and was able to open my eyes but not fully wake then went back to sleep and the whole thing started again. When I was able to move I just got out of bed at 2am even though I was due to do a 12 hour shift next day. Am becoming scared to go to sleep now.

    • Hi Bee,
      I know you wrote this over a year ago, but I am just reading it now. I have had 2 sleep paralysis events that I just posted on here, but I also had a similar experience to yours, where I couldn’t breathe. I was having a dream that I was in the backyard, about to turn on the water spigot to water some plants, when I suddenly couldn’t breathe in my dream. I dropped the hose, and was starting to pass out and fall to the ground, face first, but before I hit the ground I woke up in my bed, but still unable to breathe. I sat up and tried as hard as I could to draw in some air, but nothing happened. It was as if a plastic bag was over my nose and mouth. I started to panic and threw off the covers, about to run into my son’s bedroom to wake him, and as soon as I started to get out of bed, I suddenly could breathe again. Freaked me out severely. I really thought I was about to suffocate and die right there. I wouldn’t call it a sleep paralysis though, as I was able to move, just not breathe. As though only my lungs were paralysed.
      I’ve had other dreams of being underwater, in a deep lake or pool, and running out of air, trying to swim to the surface before I pass out and drown. I reach the surface just in time, and as I gasp for air in the dream, I wake myself up gasping for air in real life. It’s scary.

  21. Last night I had a dream not the first time that something was holding me down and I could feel the fingers, I knew I was dreaming but the fingers felt long and real and I tried to break them or twist them because I knew I was dreaming I could barely talk, trying to pray to make it go away, it felt like it lasted forever, I was on my stomach but couldn’t see anything just felt the hands holding me down, I kept trying to pray but I couldn’t get the words out, I even tried to get the hands closer to my mouth to try to bite it but I couldn’t, I knew if it was something evil I wanted to hurt it bad for trying to scare me but I couldn’t break the fingers just twisted them really hard and they felt long. It was scary AF! Then I woke up grabbed my Bible and holy water and read a scripture and blessed myself. I knew I was dreaming and I had episodes like this before but this was the scariest. Can’t even go back to sleep, anyone else have this dream or feelings?

    • Yes,
      I woke up in the middle of the night feeling like someone or some thing was strangling me and I couldn’t move. It felt like it lasted forever and I had a feeling it was some sorta negative energy. Once it released, I still felt like something was watching me across the room. I woke up from a horrible nightmare that continued while I was awake. It was the strangest feeling I ever experienced & scarier than hell. I do believe in God and I think whenever I’m trying to push anything negative out of my life its like I’m instantly attacked. It just never happened in this form.

    • I had the exact same experience as you just a few hours ago, which brought me to this forum. I was on my stomach and felt the long fingers pushing me down at my hips. I tried twisting them and removing them but they wouldn’t budge. I even tried to twist my body and punch the figure in the face but I could barely move, and when I did it was like I was punching the air! It’s weird because I began praying as well, and it finally let go.

  22. I just had the most horrible realistic dream that someone was in the bed next to me, but I couldn’t see them, I vividly felt them get into bed next to me and it felt like they were punching my stomach and my pelvis and it hurt and I tried desperately to call out for my mum but no voice came out my mouth! However, I tried and I tried and eventually, I got myself out of the nightmare. I immediately turned on the torch in my room to see if anyone was there but of course they weren’t. I just instantly felt like someone was in the room with me. The dream felt so real, just the sensation of it, it was horrible. I don’t think I am going to be able to go back to sleep now, its 4:40am! I have had these twice in my lifetime, but nothing about there being someone next to me. It felt like I was being haunted by someone and they were playing tricks on me. I don’t believe in that sort of thing but that’s exactly how it felt! So scary.

  23. Jan6,2021 so I had one today this has been the second time for me both times this happen to me it felt like my bed was moving by itself which I tried to ignore and just sleep it off but the thing that woke me up and made me just out my bed completely was that I feel something touch my head so I just went into my living room and sleep on my couch even my girlfriend has reported to me before that when she has sleep over my house she has felt like something has touched her in her sleep.

    • I had a similar experience. In fact, I just had it just half an hour ago. I am still awake with the lights on at 3:40 in the morning. I felt the bed moving like something was crawling around or something, I’m not sure. I was sleeping lightly, yet I was awake, then something suddenly rushed up from the bottom of the bed crawling up next to my face. I immediately woke right up. I was never paralyzed from SP. I turned the lights on and demanded it leave in Jesus’ name.

  24. Hi.

    I think this might be a demon. The demon that was in my sleep paralysis, is a demon that have been in my nightmares ever since i was a kid. If i’m going to tell you about the paralysis you have to know about the past. The first night I saw the demon was the day before my dad got in a boat fire and almost drowned. Thankfully he survived.

    I was asleep in my bed at the time before waking up in the middle of the night to my door suddenly bursting open, Where I could see a girl with long black hair covering her face slowly walking towards me. I was violently pushed off the bed and as she entered the room I woke up laying on the floor exactly where I was pushed.

    The next day my mum told me that my dad has been in an accident and he was in the hospital.. I don’t think this was a sleep paralysis though, I think this was a night terror?

    Later on around my childhood i’ve had several nightmares of this girl? But the worst one was several years later when I was around the age of 13/14.

    I woke up in the middle of the night, but with my body not being able to move, I could still see something though. In the corner of my small room at the time I could see a tall figure,,, ofcourse being the same girl with long dark black hair, staring at me through her long black hair. To say the experience was horrific would be an understatement. I tried to scream, but all that came out was a faint whispered ”help”. I later woke up crying and ever since I have not been able to sleep.

    My therapist say that she thinks it has to do with my past, but why the same girl? I think that might be something demonic or spiritual? Because I still have nightmares of her.

    Something that personally helps me is ASMR, my cat or nature sounds. I hope it can help you too.

    • Hi Kine. I’ve been reading all of these testimonies on this site and I felt the need to reach out to you. When I was 5 years old I had an experience that terrified me too. A “visitor” came in my room and shuffled around for a few minutes and terrified me. I associated it as a huge chipmunk in an overcoat with a large head and big deep set eyes. I could hear it shuffling when it walked and was convinced it was a real encounter. I was paralyzed and couldn’t move. I cried to my mom that it was real. As I got older I saw pics of aliens. I knew it had to be one. That’s what it looked like. I told many people I believed in aliens due to this episode. I also had a reoccurring dream I would climb under a table and a man was after me. I knew that if I saw his face I would be petrified. I never did and they stopped. 55 years later today I’ve taken an inventory of my dreams and I’ve never had the same encounter but similar ones. Night terrors. I have a schizophrenic brother who’s adopted and when we were little I’ve wondered if he contributed to my nightmares. I’m doing my own soul searching and research and am trying to rationalize why I’ve had these dreams. I now think that he may have influenced my thinking. It’s hard to remember back then. I will tell you this. Just remember the more we tell ourselves it was real the more we reinforce that belief. Looking back and experiencing more bizarre nightmares I think our minds are capable of conjuring up any creature to deal with stress. It’s like our minds are a pressure cooker. We have to release that pressure somehow. I can honestly tell you this because I’ve experienced it and struggled my whole life trying to rationalize this creature. Be careful who you tell because everyone has their own opinion based on their own personal experiences. It’s a purely personal experience. Something that only you can understand. Now if you were to see this creature during your waking life I would be concerned. But I doubt you will. I know it’s scary as hell. I’ve played my experience hundreds of times in my mind and telling other people. Now I wish I hadn’t. I’ve been doing a lot of research recently about sleep problems and I feel completely wrong about my experience. Just remember the more you believe it the more real it becomes. You remember the visual the sounds the movements of this supposed creature. It’s amazing what our minds are capable of. My suggestion to you is to research these kinds of dreams and try to be objective. Easier said than done. I fully understand. I hope that my experience helps you. I don’t know why I experienced it but I hope you can keep an open mind and I hope my experience helps you. Take care.

  25. I don’t believe in the after life, and even if i did, there’s no way they can hurt the living. So, I wanted to trust in the author’s explanation but then it got worse. Researching it, to my surprise it was a thing others had experienced. Cat ghost! What the hell, if it was just in my head, why were others describing the exact same experiences.
    I’m a light sleeper, if someone walks into the room i’m awake. I guess that’s why i sleep closest to the door. Fire, burglar or angry husband, i’m awake and on my feet. This supports the arthurs theroy, yet this first night, i only woke because i felt the cat walking across my bed, how in hell did you get here? She loved sleeping in the nook of my arm, so i held my hand out to pull her close but she wasn’t there. I just figured she curled up next to the girl next to me. I went back to sleep, only to be awoken again with her stepping over my legs. There’s no not knowing how cats walk, each step is judged before its taken. She curled up between my legs i could feel her weight on ankle. Yeah that’s not going to happen, I went to pick her up and couldn’t move. My arms , legs and head turned to lead weight. I began to panic, what the hell i couldn’t move! My first reaction was to call out to lady next to me. “elp’ barely made it past my lips. I knew she was a deep sleeper so i had to force my limps to move! I’m a well built bloke and with all my strength I managed to lift my left arm to my chest. The weight now upon my body was over every limb. i call it weight because with great effort i could move. Then the invisible cat moved and sat on my chest. I say invisible because even tho i felt it move, i couldn’t see it, it wasn’t my cat! I could no longer move. I couldn’t even form words other than a painful moan. I focused, This cant be real and let out a painful moan, enough to wake the chic next to me, i watched as she touched me. “you ok”?
    The spell was broken and i felt like an idiot,
    “yeah fine, get rid of that dam cat”! She got up and turned the light on, there’s no cat here. I searched the room, no cat, bad dream i guess.
    The next day i told her about it. Shes a bit of a space cadet and said You had an invisible cat experience. look it up it’s real.
    Unknown to her, I did look it up and excepted the science.
    Then a few weeks later it got a hell of a lot worse.
    I woke feeling the doona move but it was if someone was sitting on the end of the bed. I looked down and saw an impression on the end of the bed, this wasn’t a cat! I got up and turned the light on. There was no mistaking the impression, Someone had been inside my room!
    I was not having a bar of this! i turned the light off and waited.
    Finally drifting off, i woke not able to move my legs!

    Most will find this hard to believe, so i won’t say what happened next, rather wait for others to confirm.
    Just in case I’m crazy!

    • I had my 3rd episode last night. First one 2010. Second 2016. And now 2021. I do feel “crazy”. It’s horrifying. Can’t move, can’t speak. Feels as if I’m going to be suffocated. I visualized something long and cloth like being pulled from my esophagus. Seeing similar stories helps me feel so not alone.

    • This is happening to me too. For the past month I have been sensing these animals lick my feet, purr up against my back, lick their chops, and everything else. I’ve even gone to hotels for a while and still have been tormented by these animals. Even to my mom’s and she feels I’ve been spelled by some witch and believes also there’s high electromagnetism from power lines since I live in downtown Tulsa, Oklahoma but she lives the next town away. I’ve gone for an MRI and hoping to get treatments but my mom said medicine isn’t going to help this problem. I finally found out their cats because when I’m half asleep and sense them I can see them but I can’t move. But I try to move my head to scare them off. They. Breathe like dogs but that’s because I’m in a different mode. There has been other animals in my apartment like schnauzers and I’m not half asleep but fully awake in bed when I sense them, but can’t see them. I thought I was alone.

    • The same thing happened to me a few times. Except for no cat. You fall asleep in the same setting, but you sense another presence. Only it’s not a good one. Someone or something looking to taunt and have fun with you, while you can barely move, talk or do anything about it.

    • I didn’t believe in the afterlife as well. Not existing/sleeping forever sounds a million times less scary than what is or could be afterward. So I didn’t as well. Until 4 years ago at 23 I was in a white water rafting accident and basically drowned. I had a nde. I can’t say near though because I had died for a couple of minutes. No pulse, nothing. It was insane. There was no medical explanation for what happened. I think the creator, God, whatever u wanna call it had it happen to prove a point to me and possibly share my story, or it was a sheer coincidence. I am a biology major, science lover, and ex-agnostic. I thought it was some BS fairy tale story-religion I mean. Now I know there is definitely something after this. Life after life I suppose I call it now. I’m not saying Jesus is real or to worship him. It’s more like a supreme being, a god of some sort. We aren’t here by accident. If you are interested, I can share what happened.

    • I’ve lived with cats for my entire life and still live with one today. For the past year or so I have experienced what I thought was my cat jumping on the bed at night, walking carefully across my legs and settling down in his usual spot at the end of the bed. One night immediately after this happened, I heard him in his litterbox, in the laundry room. What the heck? How could he be in his litterbox when I JUST felt him settle into his spot on my bed and did not feel or hear him jump down? I turned the light on, and no cat on my bed. Since then, I have experienced this many, many times. Sometimes almost every night. Once in a while it will actually be my cat, but most times it’s “nothing”. Our other cat died a couple of years ago, in the house, at the age of 19, and is buried in the backyard. I like to think it is her spirit coming to visit. She also liked to sleep on the bed or under the covers with me.

  26. I had another one just last night. In the past ones, my husband or grandchildren would wake me up. But last night I slept alone for the first time in many weeks. I also took some prescription pills to help me sleep as I have insomnia. I am 57 years old. These have been going on all my life.
    When I’m falling asleep it first feels like there is a cat on the bed walking or someone getting into bed with me. But nothing is there. I sleep with Alexa playing relaxing nature sounds to help me settle my very busy mind at night. I also need a very dark room.

    Once I’m in deep sleep someone came into my dream that was scaring me badly.. like a shadow I could only see out of the corner of my eye. I remember it turned out to be an old woman. But before I could see her face, she was trying to hurt me. I can remember trying to recite that Jesus Christ is my Savior and you can’t hurt me. I usually try to say this or something along those lines rebuking the demon. But no words come out. Finally, I end up screaming it and that’s when my family awaken me. But I was alone last night. After I was able to scream it, I saw her face, it was caring and she gave me a stuffed animal to go back to sleep with. I actually then told the story to some friends as part of my dream. So I was able to complete the dream but felt like I was awake.

    I feel like there are things getting into my bed almost nightly. I usually just ignore it at this point. And I always tell my grandchildren, to rebuke it in the name of Jesus.

    • Hi Alisa,

      I randomly experience these things but I think it’s Demons sent by known or unknown enemies. I had one last night. I don’t think it’s a dream.

      • You exactly right. Feel like your in another realm. similar to movie insidious! Dream and nightmare dont compare to it.

  27. After a horrendous experience last night after falling asleep, I decided to search the internet and it brought me here! I awoke as I felt a crushing feeling in my back like somebody was pushing me. I opened my eyes and was so scared but unable to move. I tried to shout out but I couldn’t get the words out. After what felt like a few minutes I was able to jump out of bed. I went into the next bedroom where my husband was asleep and was so terrified I woke him up to tell him about my experience. I don’t really know what to make of it other than it was very real. I’ve put it down to losing my sister a few weeks back and have suffered from some anxiety. I honestly don’t think I could cope with another experience like it!

  28. I had a terrifying experience last night and started Googling what it could be and ended up here. I went to sleep and woke but couldn’t move or shout out (even though I tried ) I felt frozen with a feeling of somebody/something pushing against my back. I definitely felt movement and I thought my little dog was laying next to me but she was in another room. It must have been for a few minutes or seconds but felt like longer. The feeling of being awake but unable to move or call out freaked me out! My sister recently passed away so I’ve put it down to anxiety.

  29. Thank God it’s been a few years since I’ve had an episode of Sleep Paralysis. My episodes began in my mid 20’s as best I can remember and they were usually much the same. They started when I was asleep in the middle of the night and I would feel my bed being slightly jolted. The jolting started simply enough but then would escalate to much more serious jolts to the point my bed frame was bouncing of the floor like an earthquake and sometimes rising off the floor (I’m not kidding). It was a warning that he was coming. “He” is creature about medium sized, demon-like, flat black and seemingly covered with short black hair and his eyes were small with and piercing stare. Menacingly, he would dart around the room just behind me as I slept on my side. I remember being terrified and all I wanted to do was turn around so I could see him and defend myself somehow. But as much as I tried I could not move even though my eyes were open. Eventually the creature would get closer and closer until he was actually holding me down completely and I could feel it’s weight becoming heavier and heavier which removed any hope of me moving at all. Anyway, after being frozen with fear for a few minutes I would fade away back into full sleep and wake up a few hours later. I realize these are supposed to just be dreams but I swear to God when I woke up in the morning my entire bed would be moved a few inches and the mattress was out of line from the box springs. A few years ago I had another episode and I was sick of this happening to me over and over again for decades so I decided to do some research online. This is when I found hundreds of people suffering from episodes very similar to mine. After doing my research I realized these were just dreams combined with sleep paralysis. So when an episode would begin I’ve been able to control things by just relaxing and telling myself “this isn’t real, it’s just another episode of sleep paralysis”. Then quickly I would say a short prayer asking God to protect me and the episode would quickly scale back and disappear. It’s been five or six years since I’ve had the last one but inexplicably there are mornings when I wake up and my bed and mattress have moved slightly but I try not to worry about it too much. I hope my story helps others with this phenomenon. Tony.

    • I feel like you just described word for word my same experience. The EXACT same thing happened to me last night and I woke up drenched in sweat. I felt my whole bed move like an earthquake was happening and when I woke up all of my pillows were moved and my mattress had moved slightly off my box spring. I saw the same creature. I have never been so terrified in my life. I am not one that usually prays, but that was the only thing I could think to do.

  30. My theory is all is consciousness. We can experience different states of consciousness thru sleep(different stages), meditation, and alter our consciousness by cultivating feelings or drugs.

    That said, when in a dream are we entirely creating that world within ourselves? Are we tuning into another one by the frequency our brain waves function at when in trance like states with relaxed breathing?

    We experience our reality with a limited amount of sensory equipment. There’s much more we could see or experience with modification of this equipment. This can be from a technological perspective or a biological one(meditation, sleep paralysis)

    I’ve had many sleep paralysis experiences most auditory. Me chilling out and saying to myself ok do what you’re going to do. I hear death is perfectly safe anyway. I say hello, how are you. It seems to go away now. Is this a mental trick, do these “spirits” dislike someone who is not afraid and welcomes them? I don’t know.

    This morning I was writing in a dream diary and I heard a weak-sounding “baby” from my wife.

    Long story short she was in a very vivid dream. Two servants inspect a very old antique house. In a room, there was a ragged man(homeless looking, weak) in a corner.
    My wife runs and the man speaks to the two servants.

    “Leave this place”

    Servants ” we are sorry my god/lord” they run

    My wife hears from the extremely tall man.. Wait a minute with a curious tone. He runs after my wife and it zooms in on a dark face. She said it saw her there then it saw her in bed. It came next to her. She felt it. It spoke a strange language in her ear as she fought the paralysis.

    What is reality, what is consciousness? Definitely makes one ponder if there is such a thing as magic, God & gods, etc…

    • Hello Calder,
      Thank you for sharing this. I have also been chased my a very tall man in my experience and wanted to know if the one in your wife’s dream had a bizarre body complexion – unnaturally long legs, small head, and greyish skin colour? For some reason, I felt like he cannot touch me but trying to scare me off.

    • To add, just like in her dream I was also visiting a place in my vivid dream. I was from the other side of the wall to my diseased father listening to him speak to someone. My father in my dream was no aware I was listening to him, but I was conscious in my sleep it was happening and I was so happy to hear his voice. I knew it was breaking the rules for me to be in that place. All of a sudden I am in my hallway and this tall man is chasing me to my bed and this is where is get my parálisis. I knew there is no way he can touch me.

  31. This one was as real as it could be …
    It all started when I was younger I now realize and remember and I’m starting to tear up writing this … living in this house in Pasadena two bedroom me and my brothers in one room that of course had the attic closet door in it I would wake up feeling dark energy turning into repeating dreams of scream character opening the closet door or wanting to get out of it. Slowly brushed it off and got over it as I got older saying naw it’s just a nightmare I shouldn’t have watched scream lol.

    Fast forward to 21 when I was in Humboldt on a pot farm sleeping in a tent on top of a mountain with me and one other girl. I’m usually not afraid of stuff, including big ass bears and mountain lions, but this night it was something different. I had most nights scared off bears and other weird sounds by running them off with my dogs or loud pipes banging together or if I needed to shoot off a round or two in case it was a robber. We would sleep in a tent with the dog outside of it for protection and peace of mind. I’m pretty sure this night we didn’t have the dog. I remember glint to bed like normal but all of a sudden waking up half asleep can’t move but can feel not fully see but as if I’m blind and can only see a filter outline of this shadow as big as a bear almost like an evil bear spirit leaning over me if not touching me. The girls sleeping next to me still asleep as I’m trying to wake up and I can’t for what felt like 20 minutes. I woke up and woke her up and told her and she quickly told me she had the same kind of experience we were both a little freaked out but managed to brush it off and go back to sleep.

    The very next day we decided for some reason not to and I’m getting chills writing this, not to go back and sleep there for a night or two. We went back and quickly were in horror after looking at our tent we discover three huge bear claw swipes directly over where I was sleeping on the thin mosquito net tent roof. Now the weird thing about this was not the marks it was how nothing was broken or knocked over or food taken from the tent. It’s as if it tiptoed to the tent down the car awning it’s under and clawed the top and tip-toed back out. It sounds crazy but the tent is located an inch away from the wall of the car tent nothing could have passed the tent without bending or brushing against the poles for the carport. Every night we would leave and a bear would come in the past it was obvious cuz there are trash bags ripped up everywhere ask anyone that’s what happens when you have bears and trash but not this time no trash no mess nothing but the tent claws.

    Tonight fast forward to 28 years old now sleeping next to my girlfriend and it happened again. A dark spirit over me almost feeding me bad energy and thoughts and all I could say is barely in my mind “ Jesus Christ please help me wake me up “ as I’m trying to wake up and call for my girlfriend all I could squeeze out was “babe !” And squeezed her and she jumped of course half scared herself wondering wtf so she woke up and yelled at me haha I felt bad and Crazy but told her something had me something was in this room something please believe me I know it sounds crazy but please believe me as she’s falling back sleep I had to go back on here and see what this was about and I’m terrified to find this is very VERY common.

    I think it’s spiritual or Inter-dimensional evil spirits but I dunno man I don’t believe in ghosts but I’ve seen things on hallucinations ( lsd, mushroom,s dmt) but never anything negative like this.

    Sorry but waking up during the rem sleep phase doesn’t quite explain it for me.

  32. My dreams have been progressing- it first started with feelings of levitation, movement above my bed. It progressed to movement above my bed and then me in my sleep testing myself knowing if I put my hand above my head I’ll touch my headboard and if I put my hand under my back I’ll feel the bed. In this case I’m assuming this in my dream that I felt the top of my headboard and there was space between my back and bed and then immediately woke. Last night started the same way- levitation but this time I moved through a tunnel of fast light it felt very much the highs and lows of a rollercoaster. Then I’m above my bed again and this time it felt like someone or something was trying to disorient me. I felt turned around, facing the floor next to my bed. I tried calling for my husband and it felt like even though in bed he was too far away to hear me like a different dimension of our room. Then was the scary part. I felt something behind me, now I’m on my bed but something is under me, it then is able to reach around and hold both of my arms by the wrists and I now can’t move- and then something touched my leg. I felt very anxious as open as I am for where these dreams take me- this one felt threatening. With the panic I felt I was able to wake myself up. And I was wide awake and everything was super clear. I would love feedback on this!!

  33. I experience sleep paralysis on a regular basis and experience a wide array of symptoms; full-body paralysis, inability to vocalise, feeling something sitting on my chest and body, bedcovers / mattress moving and again the sensation of something kneeling on the bed causing indentations, shadowy figures, voices whispering, changes in audio frequency in the room, moving shadows of stationary furniture. Most of the time I stay calm and manage to recover easily, however the last few months it has become extremely intense and confusing. For instance the other night, I had not yet fallen asleep when I noticed the audio frequency pitch in the room and although the room was dark it seemed to go completely black with almost no visibility at all. I felt my body stiffen and could not move at all, in the darkness I could see a slight movement of at least 3 figures. 2 I felt move to the top side of my bed and the other remained at the bottom corner. I felt extremely uneasy and my cheeks and eyes felt some sort of pressure and started to twitch slightly. It was like this for 20 minutes, I kept focussing on my finger to try and make it move to try to break the experience but it didn’t work. Eventually, the room started to lighten and I managed to move freely. My body was covered in sweat and all of a sudden I felt hot and thirsty.
    I fully understand sleep paralysis symptoms and try to manage this when I can, this was however completely different and utterly terrifying.

  34. Hello, my name is manny. I wanted you all to know I feel all of your pain. I to have experienced these visits in the middle of the night in fact I had one last night, which is what brought me here to you all. As a child, this would happen to me almost every single night. As I got older it got fewer. But I’m now in my early 40’s and it still happens as much as twice a week, or as little as once a month. My experience is a bit different than some of yours. I will explain what happened last night which is the same basically as all the other times. I will go to sleep, and be having a nice normal dream. Then in my dream an evil presence will come to me. Last night I dreamed I was in a house sleeping in a small bed In what I assume was my room. I began feeling fear and a presence in the bed with me and began to sort of wrestle with it. From there I jump out of bed and run down a hallway (still dreaming) and find my mother in the bathroom. I begin to frantically try explaining the situation to her and then I feel it coming. I yell to her “its coming, its here” and then we embrace each other terrified and suddenly I wake up. And when I awake I sense a presence in the room with me. It feels like waves of energy, but im able to move and speak. Often times I will get up and turn the lights on. The presence will watch me and be there with me for a while and it eventually goes away. It doesn’t feel good, it’s certainly a harassing evil. This experience has happened to me more times than I can count. I have seen pastors and been prayed over. The house has been prayed over. It doesn’t seem to make a difference. I have noticed that when I wake up often times im speaking the lord’s prayer out loud. And I say I the name of the father, and of the son, and the holy spirit I rebuke you. This helps as it repels the presence. My dreams have been from mild scary to full-on apocalyptic nightmares about the end of all things. Before I wake up to a visitation.. but I have never been hurt or attacked. I have grown less afraid when I wake up and it has sort of become more annoying to me than anything. I have lived with this as far back as I can remember. Good luck to you all and please know you have power and dominion over all things through Christ our lord who strengthens us.

  35. Well, I have sleep paralysis a couple or more a week. When I try and put on the light beside my bed it does not go on. That is one way I know I am not in the real world anymore. I believe there are beings in this other world…some good, some not. I have had animals crawl on me….I’m talking giant lizards, dog-like creatures and many others. I can move my hands and feel things and remember how the giant lizard felt…its loose tough skin. If it is all in my head… do I know what it feels like if I never held a lizard? There are these beings….like djinns, that have a dust that puts you deeper in sleep and is supposed to erase memories of the place…but it never works on me. There were these other being there that call themselves minions that watch over us in our sleep. Part of me thinks that is the real world and we are living in an illusion. The evil ones try to steal our breathes…I can still remember the stale taste in my mouth…these are like the demons. Recently, I had a force push on my chest so hard….it was as if it was trying to force the life out of me. All I know is the hate light…..sometimes I sleep with a flashlight. I have had many other experiences, I feel weird telling what I go through…reading the other stories I can see similarities. Please….If u experience anything like I do or feel the same way… let me know…..I would like to hear from you. I am tired of feeling alone.

    • You are not alone man I’ve never seen any lizards but I have seen cat. Most of the time its shadow minions are the hat man also a woman that wears black Cape. They are evil don’t trust them.

  36. I don’t think sleep paralysis explains it all. For me, I hear footsteps coming and approaching my bed and as it draws nearer, I feel energy being sapped out of me and i get weaker and weaker. Then it presses and pins me down and I can’t move a muscle, even a finger. Sometimes I see strange figures or animals like rats, birds siting on the window or some flying animals. I usually pray with my mind because I can’t move my lips or produce a sound until it goes. I usually have pain where it presses me for several days. So this can’t be just sleep paralysis. There is a spiritual part to it. And it is not a good spirit. Lets accept that.

  37. I have had many experiences like these but I wouldn’t say they are sleep paralysis. I feel waves of energy prior to feeling a presence that starts wrapping me in something. I have felt someone’s hair against my face and touched by someone and felt their fingers and I have been pulled on several on many occasions. I will discount sleep paralysis as there is always a presence and it is very vivid. I would say it is a visitation. Which explain the strong waves of energy that I feel prior to experiencing these events

  38. I’ve had multiple experiences with sleep paralysis. My last one I’d like to share. I’m currently 24 btw. I was standing in my bedroom., my husband, I could see he was in bed. I was telling google to turn on my smart lights, no response, then I tried flipping the switch multiple times, no light. I believe I saw myself as a shadow on the bed. I freaked out and everything scattered. next thing, I’m laying on my back on the bed, and can’t move. I feel a presence or something holding me down. I say “in the name of Jesus Christ..” that’s when the pressure, like a cloud seeping from my body “leave me alone”. I felt like whatever it was, I felt the anger and I believe I saw a face… I instantly got outta bed and felt as though I could feel that weight had been lifted.. was an intense experience.

  39. I just woke up from another sleep paralysis episode. While laying on my side, as I usually do, my body felt as it was being held down. Something was again talking to me with a strange and scary voice. As I opened my eyes, I briefly saw its face. Hard to describe it but it looked like it had bulging eyes and sharp teeth. I simply stayed calm and said “Jesus loves me and he does not love you” and I am freed. I said the Our Father and did a web search. Found this blog and wanted to share.

  40. It began with a low beastly growl that grew and got closer and I just felt like something picked me up effortlessly by the shoulders and my whole body was vertical and frozen. It felt like I was up against the sealing and it got so cold immediately. I don’t know what just happened to me. I’m 23 and never knew stuff like this can happen, people always make fun of sleep paralysis but this was so much different than what I’ve been reading. It felt real and I can’t even figure out how long it lasted. It felt like an eternity of dread and fear. I was facing down and I couldn’t do anything and my eyes were closed, it was pitch black…

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