Hypnic Jerks: My Experience & Coping Ideas

Dark photo of a couple in bed, with the words on top "when you're just about to fall asleep, but your arm jolts you awake"

Have you ever woken up with a sudden jolt just as you were falling asleep? Maybe it felt like one of your arms or legs had an involuntary spasm?

Perhaps you’ve woken with the feeling of falling, saw a flash of light or heard an unexpected noise. If this sounds familiar, it could be that that you’ve experienced hypnic jerks.

In most cases, a hypnic jerk or two is thought to be a harmless part of the process of transitioning from being awake to asleep. However, if you’re concerned by the severity or how much they disrupt your sleep, or if you have spasms during the daytime, it’s a good idea to consult your doctor.

In this article, I’ll be talking about my experience of hypnic jerks, and how I cope with my partner’s episodes. After that, I’ll cover some background information and coping strategies.


My experience of hypnic jerks

My own experience of hypnic jerks is that they are usually quite mild and only happen once or twice a week – as far as I’m aware. Just one or two small twitches of a hand or arm seems to be the norm on the nights I have them. After that, I typically fall asleep quite quickly, and if I do have any more, I don’t remember them.

A few times a year, I experience a much bigger jolt that feels like one side of my whole upper body spasms or jumps in bed. I’ve noticed that these tend to happen when I’m particularly tired, such as when travelling or if I’ve hit the gym especially hard that day. Again though, I usually fall asleep fairly soon after one of these more dramatic episodes and they don’t cause me any distress.

Living with someone who has more frequent hypnic jerks

My partner, who kindly agreed for me to talk about her in this article, has multiple hypnic jerks every night without fail. As a bit of a light sleeper myself, her twitching has a tendency to keep me awake until it finally subsides, especially because they are sometimes very pronounced.

Interestingly, like my own hypnic jerks, I only notice her hands and arms making any movements. Even when we have our feet touching, they never seem to twitch. It’s always her upper body.

They also seem to follow a pattern. There may be two to five small movements or twitches over the course of a minute or two, and then one big one. If we are holding hands at the time, it sometimes feels like an intermittent pulsing of her hand, followed by either a tighter squeeze of my hand as her fingers contract or a sudden movement of her whole hand or arm to one side.

They rarely seem to wake her up on their own, but sometimes they cause me to move in bed, which then wakes her up. If she does stir and I jokingly tell her she just had an epic twitch, her usual reply is ‘oh really? I must be falling asleep!’

Her hypnic jerks are nightly, and can go on for several minutes after we turn the light out. They are so predictable, that I’ve learned to accept that it’s likely I won’t fall asleep myself unless I sleep on the other side of the bed with no physical contact or I wait until she’s fallen asleep if our bodies are touching. And if she wakes up to go the bathroom in the middle of the night, and I’m awake too, the hypnic jerks often start all over again.

How I cope with our combined hypnic jerks

For me, the main thing is to always keep in mind that they are likely to be normal and nothing to worry about in both our cases. Fortunately, they don’t last long, so I don’t lie in bed worrying about my occasional twitches.

I harbor no resentment towards my partner just because her hypnic jerks keep me awake for a few minutes. It’s quite likely it would take me that long to relax and fall asleep anyway, with or without her spasms.

Finally, one of the key points I try to remember is that they can be seen as a sign that sleep is probably just around the corner. Even if I have a more dramatic jolt, I just smile to myself and look forward to the next phase – sleep.

As you’ll see in the following sections, there are some lifestyle factors that may be involved in hypnic jerks. For me personally, they are all things I try to do anyway, not specifically for the hypnic jerks. But I do feel that stress is an important one for both of us to keep an eye on, as the hypnic jerks anecdotally seem worse during periods of higher stress.

As someone who has had hypnic jerks for as long as I can remember, and more recently am living with a partner who has them nightly, it’s interesting to see what the current scientific thinking is around hypnic jerks. Let’s take a look.

Different names

First of all, if you look up hypnic jerks online, it’s worth bearing in mind that they are sometimes referred to by different names:

  • Sleep starts.
  • Night starts.
  • Sleep jerks.
  • Hypnagogic jerk.
  • Myoclonic jerks. A myoclonus is an involuntary muscle twitch, with hiccups being another harmless example.

What are hypnic jerks?

Hypnic jerks are the sudden, involuntary twitching of one or more muscles when you’re falling asleep. The International Classification of Sleep Disorders manual describes them as follows:

Sleep starts, also known as hypnic jerks, are sudden, brief, simultaneous contractions of the body or one or more body segments occurring at sleep onset. Sleep starts (or hypnic jerks) usually consist of a single contraction that often affects the body asymmetrically. The jerks may be either spontaneous or induced by stimuli.

International Classification of Sleep Disorders – 3rd Edition

The fact that they often occur asymmetrically explains why it might feel that just one arm or leg jolts. Furthermore, they can occur independently or in response to external stimuli in the bedroom, such as your partner moving or external noise.

The Mdsmanuals.com website explains a key difference between physiologic myoclonus and pathologic myoclonus. It states that physiologic myoclonus can occur when a person is falling asleep or during early sleep phases, whereas pathologic myoclonus can result from different disorders and medications.

In a review paper in 2012, Dora Lozsadi neatly explained this difference as follows:

Myoclonus is a brief (less than half a second) contraction involving agonist and antagonist muscles, leading to a sudden jerk. It may be a normal phenomenon, as in the so-called ‘sleep starts’. When pathological, myoclonus is a symptom of a broad range of neurological and systemic diseases.

Dora Lozsadi


The most common symptom is the sudden twitching, spasm or jolting sensation of one or more limbs. Some people might have other experiences, such as:

  • The feeling of falling.
  • A shock sensation.
  • Hearing a sudden noise.
  • Seeing a flash or unusual light.
  • Hallucinations.

In addition, researchers have noted that it’s possible to have a physiological response, such as a faster heartbeat, increased breathing rate or sweating.

If you do have symptoms that feel more severe than simply twitching, it’s a good idea to consult your doctor about your experience.

How common are hypnic jerks?

If you have hypnic jerks, then rest assured you’re not the only one whose wayward limbs seem to have a mind of their own at bedtime. In a study in 2016, Italian researchers suggested that between 60% and 70% of people experience hypnic jerks, both men and women and people of all ages.

What causes hypnic jerks?

As is often the case in the complex world of sleep, the exact cause still isn’t completely understood. The International Classification of Sleep Disorders manual offers this technical explanation:

Hypnic jerks are hypothetically caused by sudden descending volleys originating in the brainstem reticular formation activated by the system instability at the transition between wake and sleep.

Or in layman’s terms, your brain and body are briefly a little bit out of sync as you relax and go from being awake to being asleep.

Factors that may increase the frequency and severity of hypnic jerks

Although the exact cause is still up for debate, researchers have suggested several factors (such as this 2015 paper and this 2023 paper ) that might increase the severity or likelihood of hypnic jerks happening, such as:

  • The use of caffeine or other stimulants. Medline.com has more information on the side effects of caffeine.
  • Anxiety or stress.
  • Fatigue, such as from intense physical work or exercise.
  • Sleep deprivation.
  • Certain medications.

Is it caused by another condition?

A review of hypnic jerks literature by researchers at the University of Alabama raised an important point. They proposed that hypnic jerks are often seen as benign, but could in some cases be a ‘characteristic of certain illness’.

They also suggest that hypnic jerks are more prevalent in chronic health conditions that disrupt sleep and could also be ‘mimicked by other movement disorders’.

Some of the differential diagnoses they say should be identified include:

  • Nocturnal seizures.
  • Nonepileptic seizures.
  • Parasomnias.
  • Hyperekplexia.
  • Restless legs syndrome.
  • Periodic limb movements in sleep.
  • Excessive fragmentary myoclonus.
  • Psychiatric diagnosis.

In addition, the Italian researchers in the 2016 study (see above) found that hypnic jerks are common in people with Parkinsonism. The Alabama team also suggested it could be helpful in diagnosing the condition.

Finally, don’t confuse sudden wakings from hypnic jerks with sleep apnea. If you, or someone you know, wakes suddenly gasping for breath or with loud snoring, this should be discussed with a doctor.

I don’t want to cause panic with the above information, but I think it’s good to be aware that ‘usually’ benign doesn’t mean ‘always benign for everyone’. Again, if you’re concerned about your own experience of hypnic jerks, it’s okay to raise it with your doctor, even if you think it’s likely to be normal. Peace of mind is valuable!

Reader survey results

Way back in 2014, I conducted a short survey for readers to share their experience of sleep starts. The results are of course biased because the people who voted were already searching for information about the topic. With thousands of people participating though, I think the results are still interesting.

1. Frequency

In the graphic below, you can see how often voters experienced hypnic jerks. It’s interesting to note that many readers had them on a daily basis. The largest percentage of 42.2% say they have them occasionally though.

chart of poll results into how frequently people have hypnic jerks

2. How they affect your sleep

Here you can see that many people were able to sleep well after an episode. 43.9% of people say it disrupts their sleep at first, but then they sleep okay.

no sleepless nights hypnic jerks poll 2 - how they affect your sleep.

3. The role of stress and anxiety

The final poll shows how people feel about the impact of stress or anxiety. 50.8% thought anxiety or stress ‘definitely’ makes their hypnic jerks worse. It could be that tackling stress or anxiety in your life is a good idea if it’s relevant to you.

chart of the poll results for how much people think stress or anxiety make hypnic jerks worse for them

Do you need to see a doctor?

While sleep experts often suggest that hypnic jerks are benign in most cases, they do recognise that they can have a negative impact on some people’s sleep and well-being.

If your hypnic jerks aren’t severe and you don’t have any other symptoms or health concerns that are worrying you, then try to relax and allow yourself to fall asleep naturally when they occur.

However, if you have them regularly and/or severely, or have other symptoms, you might want to raise it with your doctor. If they think it’s a sign of another disorder, they might ask you to do a sleep study or further tests.

They might also offer to prescribe medication to reduce the frequency. And importantly, they can offer reassurance if that’s the appropriate course of action and give you advice about healthy sleep habits that might be beneficial in your case.

Finally, despite what I’ve said, trust your instincts. If you just ‘have the feeling’ you’d like to speak to your doctor about it, then do so.

How can you stop hypnic jerks?

It might not be possible to totally stop hypnic jerks from happening. Accepting them as normal and harmless is perhaps your best option if they aren’t severe.

Additionally, the following self-help ideas might be worth considering:

  • Cut down on caffeine, nicotine and other stimulants – especially in the evening.
  • Reduce how much intense work or exercise you do in the evening. Do exercise in the morning or afternoon instead.
  • Eat a balanced, healthy diet.
  • Use a comfortable mattress and bedding.
  • Sleep in a comfortable position.
  • If you suffer from anxiety or stress, do some relaxation exercises in bed. One simple breathing exercise is to inhale for a count of 4, hold for 4, then exhale for a count of 4.
  • Try not to allow yourself to get too tired. You may understandably have a busy and tiring lifestyle. But it’s important to give yourself enough time to sleep well.
infographic with self-help ideas for hypnic jerks and good sleep

Avoid the vicious cycle of worry

Hypnic jerks may trigger a vicious cycle of worry if you become fixated on them.

If you worry about hypnic jerks, you might start to get less sleep and become more fatigued. The problem then is that if stress and fatigue can contribute to the frequency of hypnic jerks, you might find yourself in a vicious cycle.

The key is not to allow the occasional sleep start to disrupt your sleep any more than it has to. Again, try to relax, forget about it and go back to sleep.

Readers’ tips for coping with hypnic jerks

In the comments below, many readers have offered suggestions for reducing their hypnic jerks. So I’ve compiled a list of the most common and interesting ideas.

These ideas don’t all have medical backing and are anecdotal. Please take them with a pinch of salt. But you might find the ideas useful if nothing else has helped.

  • Try to see the funny side (I do this myself).
  • Magnesium supplements have been helpful for some readers, as has rubbing magnesium oils or transdermal magnesium into the area where you most commonly twitch. One suggestion was to get a blood test to check if you have a deficiency. Disclaimer: please discuss supplementation with your doctor as there is no conclusive evidence that magnesium helps with hypnic jerks.
  • Assess your current diet. Make sure it’s healthy and balanced. Eat less processed sugary and salty foods. Eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables.
  • If you follow a special diet, such as being vegan, pay particular attention to your vitamin and mineral intake, such as the B vitamins. Ensure your diet includes the right quantity, and preferably get your B vitamins through food rather than supplements if possible.
  • Don’t drink alcohol, coffee or energy drinks for a week and see if it improves.
  • Don’t stress about it, as worrying makes it worse.
  • Try to properly deal with any major source of stress in your life.
  • If you suffer from anxiety, take steps to tackle this in your daily life.
  • Stop doing very intense exercise late in the evening for a week and see if it improves.
  • Try to see them as a sign that you must be falling asleep. So it’s a positive thing as you know you’ll soon be asleep.
  • Ask your doctor if any medication you currently take could contribute to your hypnic jerks.
  • Check if medication you’re taking has a known side effect of myoclonus. If it does, raise it with your doctor.
  • Experiment with different sleep positions if you sometimes feel uncomfortable in bed.
  • Don’t go to bed very late at night.
  • Film yourself sleeping or use a sleep tracker. One reader said he discovered through doing this that he was snoring, and that the hypnic jerks occurred while he was snoring heavily.
  • Some female readers feel that it can be connected to hormonal changes.
  • Ask for a referral to a sleep clinic if it’s particularly troubling.
  • Ensure you have a quiet sleeping environment. It could be a sudden noise which startles you awake.
  • Stay hydrated.
  • If you’re being bothered by them repeatedly, get up and do something relaxing for 10-20 minutes, then try to sleep again.
  • Have a warm shower before bed. Then do relaxation exercises before getting into bed or while in bed.
  • If you do exercise, it could be excess lactic acid contributing to hypnic jerks. So try looking into ways to reduce the lactic acid.

Your views

It’s always interesting to hear your experiences, and I know many readers have benefited from reading the stories and advice of others.

So please keep your comments, tips and theories coming. And if you have any practical ideas for dealing with hypnic jerks, I’ll continue to add them to the list.


  1. I was once rocking a 1 year old that I was caring for and he would slowly start to fall asleep, then he would make a small movement, and then a huge jerk, lashing out his arms and legs, waking himself up. He did this about 8 times and never did fully fall asleep.

  2. I have been experiencing something like this but in the middle of my sleep cycle or near the end. I dreamed the other day that my cat managed to pull the window down from the fram and go outside, I woke up with a start, sat straight up and was like “NO!” And once I looked around and realized it was only a dream, went back to sleep. So strange. I’ve been having some serious issues for a while now. Doctors keep dismissing it, but I’ve got more symptoms that can’t be explained by mental stuff.

  3. I started having the jerks when I started having nightmares at a young age. It got worse when I was studying in college. I loved reading at night so when I fell asleep, my brain would jerk me awake to continue reading. I thought it was just cos of study until it continued even after graduation. Then even worse after a traumatic experience I had. I eventually fall asleep though. But on some occasions, it could continue all night whilst I’m still asleep. It worries me sometimes as it disturbs my partner. But I realised it’s reduced when I sleep alone. I hope time and change of environment helps reduce it. I’m hopeful about that.

  4. Wow! I sympathize with all other sufferers of hypnic jerks, myoclonus and sleep problems; a small comfort I admit, but it is “nice” (for want of a better word) to know I’m not alone. I’m a 64 year old Caucasian woman, who has suffered from chronic insomnia since menopause 13 years ago. I developed quite severe anxiety/ depression due to a bad period in my life 10 years ago, and was prescribed Zoloft and Normisom, which helped me greatly. However, I developed myoclonus 10 years ago when I stopped taking Zoloft suddenly (against doctor’s orders). The jerks persisted for several months, then ceased entirely except for the occasional ‘normal’ muscle spasm, and much as I hate it, I’ve learned to live with the insomnia, resorting only occasionally to Temazapam or Doxylamine when I’m when I really need a good night’s sleep. My general health, weight and fitness is pretty good for my age, my blood pressure is excellent (125/65), blood sugars, cholesterol etc are normal, and I don’t smoke, consume much alcohol or use recreational drugs. I do experience ‘down days’ sometimes , as I live alone and am not a very sociable, outgoing person, but I do not consider this a serious issue; a good gym workout always lifts my mood.

    However, approximately two weeks ago, I experienced sudden onset one night of hypnic jerks, burning/tingling sensations in extremities, an almost physical pulsing sound in my right ear (this syndrome also occurred when I was depressed 10 years ago, but ceased when my anxiety settled down) and was totally unable to sleep until I took a Temazapam. These symptoms are persisting and actually, I think, getting worse. Unlike when I stopped taking Zoloft back in 2007, the monoclonus/hypnic jerks are continuing during the day especially if I’m inactive, although less during daytime than at night. I’m starting to stress about it and dread going to bed.

    Anyone have any idea what could have brought this on so suddenly after 7 years of being symptom free? I’m going to see my GP about it soon, but I’d be interested to hear if anyone else has had similar issues and what their outcomes were.

    • Doxylamine can bring on hypnic jerks. I would stop taking this and see if your symptoms resolve. There is a blog called themanwhocannotsleep where you can reach out to others who suffer from hypnic jerks also. I hope things get better for you. I also developed hypnic jerks and daytime spasms after stopping an antidepressant and they have not resolved yet. My theory is that our serotonin levels may be too low. You could look into natural ways to raise your serotonin levels, but I do not suggest taking 5-HTP as this supplement can also cause hypnic jerks. Please let me know if you find anything that helps and about your progress, this would bring me a lot of hope to my current situation.

      • Thanks (-: ! I’ve entirely stopped drinking alcohol, and make sure I don’t leave my cell phone in my bedroom at night (or any other electronic devices); also avoiding sugary foods. Seems to be working; the hypnic jerks are settling down and I’m only experiencing them once or twice when I go to bed. Still not sleeping without Temazapam, but have reduced dose to half a tablet. (I’ll avoid Doxylamine – I didn’t realise hypnic jerks could be caused by this medication, as I’ve taken it occasionally over the past few years without problems However, cold be a cumulative effect.

    • On top of this, I am scratching and clawing my forehead and head in my sleep. I have woken with very deep scratches and bleeding. I don’t scratch or claw any other part of my body. It is basically from the top of my head to my brow that gets the most damage. Any one else doing this?

  5. I recently experienced this right after I had a paranormal nightmare. I woke up frightened and alarmed, shortly after I was fighting the urge to fall back asleep cause I still felt not safe, the first twitch was in my foot and the second felt like someone shook me back awake. I had a feeling this was normal, but it still scared me. Looking this up did help me calm down a lot, Thank you.

  6. i have been having these episodes for nearly 2 years now and it is very frightening. i have been diagnosed with sleep apnea and have a cpap machine. However it doesnt stop the jerking. when i am falling asleep i feel like someone has punched me in the chest and i jolt upright sometimes i feel like i am having spasms which start in my chest and travel all the way down to my groin. I am on a lot of medication after i had an operation to remove an abcess on my spinal cord. i take 900mg of gabapenton 3 times a day and 30mg of mst continus twice a day 1000mg of naproxen and 50mg of amatryptaline any suggestions for me

  7. I had this the other night. Chronic insomniac here. Life long sleep issues. Scared the crap out of me. It felt like when you miss the last step and land on the floor. I legit thought I had fallen.

  8. thank you for putting a name to it i started to get woken up with this for about 12yrs now mine started after i had brain surgey (colloid cyst) but ive had restless leg syndrome my whole life my mom told me i destroyed my 1st crib shaking so bad when i was about 8 we meet a dr who said to try warm milk @ honey about half hr before going to bed 50yrs later still doing it but just take a tablespoon of honey it helps me

    • I’m so glad you reminded me of the warm milk and honey. I’ve added a dash of cinnamon and slept all through the night before.
      I’ve been having violent jerks every night for about a month. I usually take clonapin for restless leg syndrome, but have cut back on it. I even jerk when trying to cat-nap during the daytime. I will definitely try to milk and honey tricl tonight.

  9. The hypnic jerk is a outcome of stress. The depression results many more complications. The best idea is keep yourself aloof from anxiety, try to find out some interesting thing to keep your brain busy. Be with your loved ones, friends or family members. Train your brain to not to stress any more. There may be many biologicaly physical reasons for this. But only the first remedy is to be happy, surround yourself with happy, creative and encouraging people. It is your heart which is to be cared for long life.

    Ravi Chhetry

  10. I have good news to tell everyone. My hypnic jerks are down 80% and my doctor cut my dosage of gabapentin from 600mgs a day to just 300 mgs a day. Last year at this time I jerked all night and even felt the electricity go up and down my body. I told a Canadian pharmacist about my problem and he recommended I take wheat germ oil to soothe my nerves and rebuild them. I am allergic to gluten so I had to find gluten free wheat germ oil which is made. I have been on it for about 3 weeks now. Soon I will be off the the gaba. I wish you all the best of luck.

  11. Thank you for gathering all of the helpful and informative info on hypnic jerks. Although I have suffered these on a few occasions, I had no idea why they occurred or what to do about avoiding a recurrence. I came across your article just now as I awoke with the symptom and became very anxious. I should say that I have just returned as a day patient from a general anaesthetic op and this may have some baring on the hypnic jerks I had? Thank you to all who gave advice as I now have a plan of actions to follow.

  12. I drink half to one full glass of red wine and I fall asleep right away. It mellows me out and I stop stressing about things. It makes me feel warm and happy but I never exceed a full glass nor do I mix it with medications. Most nights all it takes is half a glass.

  13. After 3 years of investigation, as a Therapist I can share the following thanks to my patients experiences:
    1) Don’t use electronic screens after 6pm. The led screens stop the brain from producing melatonin which is our natural sleep chemical.
    2) Don’t drink tea or coffee or fizzy sodas, ever if you suffer from anxiety.
    3) no sugary foods (bread contains a lot of sugar nowadays) after 6pm.
    4) Get to bed before 11pm (cell regeneration starts at 10pm and ends at 12pm).
    5) If you have something on your mind then write it down in a list and release your thoughts. You can relax knowing that you don’t have to remember details during the night.
    6) Change the direction that you sleep in (eg: put your head South instead of North).
    7) Don’t sleep with your head near plug sockets or lamps. (electric current interferes with sleep patterns)
    8) Never leave your cell phone on at night. (Microwaves from phone travel up to 3 metres even when not making calls).
    9) Look outside your house for natural signs of subterranean rivers (these cause radiation when the water flows over specific minerals). Typical signs are trees with fungus or nodes growing up the main trunk. The trees will also be leaning in the same direction. isolate these effects by putting a bamboo mat under the bed and a sheepskin (100%) wool matress cover.
    10) If you have recently been in a religious or spiritual group you should consider the possible interference of negative energy on your Bio magnetic field. (this can be measured in MHZ by a specific digital scanner). Many people who feel the presence of lost loved ones suffer from these spasms.
    11) How to detect if the spasms or jerks are produced by your own biology or they are interference from an exterior source: When you feel a spasm is about to be released hold on to a partner and see if the spasm passes through them as well (a shared spasm proves that your body is not generating the jerk if your partner also feels it entering and passing through their body too). If you do share the spasm simultaneously with your partner then you have an exterior interference and your body is acting as an antenna.
    12) Try sleeping in different rooms in your house. If the whole house is sitting on a geographic hot spot, everyone in the house will suffer in some way (kids normally get nose bleeds) Adults get headaches.

    Hope this helps. Insomnia kills and I take my work very seriously.

    • Thank you Sean. I don’t know what kind of therapist you are but I need help. I have slept thru the night twice since August of 2014. I am going to try what you wrote and see if that gets me anywhere. At the end of my rope and the sleep deprivation is getting the best of me….

    • Geographic hot spot? You mean like ley lines? I was in a really bad spot in my previous place that I lived. So much negative energy. It was a very stifling, restrictive environment. I experienced so much trauma from that place. I was there for 10 years. I’ve got a disability but it has gotten so much worse over the years, which ironically makes me think, if it can get worse, then it can also get better, ya know?

      Anyway, not everyone has a “partner” to hold on to or sleep with. I just have a cat. turn my cell off when I sleep. Sometimes I forget, but rarely.

      And I live in an urban environment so it can be difficult to check for those types of things that you suggest, as the energy & signs around me are so mixed up. I relocated from NYC to Newark, I actually felt much better in NYC overall. I do better in an urban environment.

      And your early suggestions wouldn’t necessarily work for people like me, as I have an extremely delayed sleep phase disorder. Everyone’s natural bedtime is different. I could never go to bed that early unless I hadn’t slept the night before. Which happens more and more. My natural/normal bedtime is about 4 am, but my insomnia delays me by about an extra 4 hours or so sometimes, and when I do manage to get to sleep earlier than that, I only sleep for a few hours. I only got 4 hours of sleep today. Went to sleep around 6 am and woke up a little after 10 am. It’s horrible. It feels like my life force is draining out of me.

      I’ve tried literally everything. I’ve contacted a sleep disorder clinic. It’s been going on for years. I had dismissed it b/c I thought it was only b/c of my previous place of residence, but I’m still having so much trouble. I can’t live a normal life at all. I can’t function or think.

      I have heart palpitations, shortness of breath when I exert myself. I also have CFS, Hashimoto’s, & ADHD. So b/c of my fatigue I have to take stimulants to get out of bed, otherwise I’m pretty much bed-ridden. And yes, I’ve tried supplements, not taking stimulants, resting a lot. I just end up being bored, and bed sore, and restless & sick of being in the bed. I have to be up and moving. Sorry for the long rant. But I really wanted to vent more than I want advice, as I’ve already done everything that I can.

  14. I don’t just jerk awake I am up out of bed and halfway downstairs convinced I am dying before I come to realise what is going on and it’s really scary. Started about a year ago when my best friend died. I find it happens if I fall asleep too quickly which I often do as after i have been woken that way I sleep badly . I go downstairs and get a drink then try relaxation by which time it’s 3 or 4am. Next night I am tired fall straight asleep and off we go again. Helps to know I am not alone though.

    • This started happening to me after my mom passed away. I’m starting to think it’s ptsd honestly. I was woken in the middle of the night to go in the room as she took her last breath. She was only 61 and I’m 32 now. I’ve had anxiety and panic attacks since 4th grade and this on top of everything is making me feel crazy as hell. Thanks foe sharing I knew I couldn’t be the only one. I compare it to someone tazering me as I start to drift off. It’s hell.

      • This also started with me after my mom passed. I was also there for her last breath. I have PTSD from my childhood as well as an adulthood tradgedy. I am sure there are different reasons for everyone with this problem. I keep getting worse. I do believe this is a factor. Thanks Andrea Smith for your response.

  15. hello! few minutes into my sleep I jerk and wake up suddenly with a racing heartbeat. I also have panic attack.It all started when my ear started ringing(tinnitus). pls, is it caused by tinnusis?

  16. I occasionally get these jerks too, have put on a memory foam mattress and started Nytol which seems to work. Afraid family aren’t very sympathetic and don’t understand. Would recommend Nytol :)

  17. Hi my symptoms started about 5 days ago, I was fine sleeping like a baby and all of sudden I started experiencing these type of jolts called hypnic jerks. I went to see my pcp and assure me are hypnic jerks. I’m scared he prescribed xanax but I don’t want to keep taking them because I don’t want to get addicted to them. I am suffering from anxiety and panic attacks my dad recently passed about 6 month ago and I’m sure all of the stress I had in the past months trigger to this. Please help me I want to rest at night I have two little ones and worried something’s wrong. Liz

    • Hello Liz, I am going through the same things, you may be bi polar. I have been diagnosed with bi polar and I go through these episodes of depression that can last up to a month and every day I will have panic attacks and going to sleep I wake with a violent jolt gasping for breath. Did you know that if you are prone to panic attacks you can get them in your sleep as well? We sometimes don’t know what our dreams are and they can cause a panic attack causing you to wake up in this disturbing way. Find out if you are bi polar and that will at least be a start. Panic attacks are crippling and they run my life when I’m going through an episode of depression, i have a hard time working, I have two small children as well and I cannot afford to lose my marbles. I don’t want benzos as well because I’m on a medication that has dangerous effects with it, even though my dr says a little bit won’t hurt. It’s a hard battle but you will get through it, you need to see a therapist and see what else is going on because if you have bi polar you a chemical imbalance in your brain and you get depressed for no reason at all or anything can trigger it…

  18. Hasn’t anybody noticed that this happens more when one uses technology like a cell phone or a laptop? I cut down my usage of technology recently and my jolts have also decreased. I would suggest people try magnesium oil instead of oral supplements. Oral supplements can result in diarrhea if overdone. Magnesium is absorbed better through the skin and the body only takes what it needs.
    I would like to thank the man for suggesting a low meat diet; that works as well.

  19. Thanks alot. Many useful tip. 12/2016 i got this jerk and it really make me awake all night. I did some research and i found out i was doing abit of workout and playing soccer. I also have anxiety. The next day i eat 3 raw eggs before going to sleep. That night i was completely fine. If i don’t eat egg i feel like it coming back. I think i need to take a rest for a couple weeks before start doing workout or running.

  20. Everytime i try an go to sleep i just jolt an my heart feels racing can any1 help or give me a tip to sleep ive had minimal sleep in a week an its getting worse been trying since 11.30pm an still cant sleep now close eyes for all of 2mins an bang i jolt

    • Hi Paul
      Thanks for your comment. There are lots of tips in the article which I recommend starting by trying out. If it continues for a few more days, then mention it to your doctor and see if they can offer any suggestions.

    • Paul, ive been waking suddenly soon after I drop off to sleep for months now and it horrible. I recently found liquid Night Nurse and I take a cap full before I go to bed and i sleep right through now. The problem is that you can become dependent on it so be careful.

    • I am experiencing exactly the same thing as you. My doctor gave me sleeping pills, I took one last night and a huge jolt woke me just as I was going off..am trying to address anxieties, but this is the anxiety, so what can you do ?

    • Paul, I have had these horrific hyping jerks for a little over a year. Worst thing that has ever happened to me. Neurologist has had me on every med which only worked for a few days and then stop. Finally after much torment and trying different things I have had much success in diet. No sugar or food that turn to sugar .Breads, corn ,soy. They cause inflammation. When I’m eating salads and low inflammation foods I have minimal issues and sleep almost 7 hours. I was only sleeping about 3 or 4 . I’m off all medicines although yesterday I took a pill for itching and I had a bad night . My life has improved so much but it does suck that I have to eat like an old person or a rabbit. Meds cause this too! Also I found out I have sleep apnea and sleep much better with the CPap machine. But before the machine the diet made the most difference. When I have a cheat day my sleep always sucks. Blessings to you !

  21. I suffered from hypnic jerks about a year ago and it was one of the worst things I’ve ever been through. I’m happy to say I’m now “cured.” Here’s my story…

    I was going through a stressful time and my anxiety was getting the best of me. I started having panic attacks at random times during the day. Then I started fearing them, so naturally I developed panic disorder and life became a nightmare. I consulted Dr. Google which brought up a myriad of results which freaked me out even more and I became a complete wreck. Then I started having jerks when I was drifting off to sleep. I consulted Dr. Google again (always a mistake). That led me to this website. The stories of people’s suffering didn’t make me feel any better. I was scared of having jerks forever, getting hooked on addictive prescription drugs, and going crazy.

    I found a Doctor that would prescribe me Klonopin. It helped some, but wasn’t a silver bullet, and left me anxious during the day. I then found another Doctor, whom was much better than the first, that prescribed me Lexapro 10mg. He instructed me to take it every day and take the Klonopin only as needed, with the goal of eventually tapering off the Klonopin. The next few months were hell but I stuck with the plan. Slowly but surely my sleep started to improve, with inevitable setbacks along the way. Then I went to see a sleep doctor the specialized in CBT-I (cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia). She explained to me that the insomnia and sleep fragmentation were leading to jerks, and the jerks were leading to insomnia and sleep fragmentation. She put me on a sleep restriction plan and it was instantly beneficial. With time my sleep got better and better and the jerks got less and less frequent and intense. I started welcoming the jerks and not fearing them, which of course made them less frequent.

    It took about 4 months on Lexapro and the sleep restriction program to get my sleep habits to a satisfactory level. It may have taken less time but I was also trying to taper off the Klonopin slowly.

    Then I did something silly. I tried to taper off Lexapro, which was fine for a couple of months but then my anxiety and sleep issues started return. My doctor said to go back on it for a while. So here I am. Still on Lexapro 10mg daily, sleeping fine, meditating and enjoying life. I’m not worried about being on Lexapro. It’s a safe drug with minimal side effects (regardless of what Dr. Google tells you). I’ll try to taper off in another year or so.

    I hope someone reads this and gets on the road toward wellness again. My advice is to stay away from the negative forums. Read insomnia success stories. Trust medical professionals. Believe in yourself. You will find peace again and when you do you will be a better person for having gone through this.

    • Thanks your story has helped me not think I’m never going to sleep again. I have had the jerks slowly increase over the last couple of nights and tonight can’t sleep at all as every time I’ve started to fall asleep it happens. I use to be on Lexepro about 3 yrs ago but tapered off got pregnant and now have a 1 yo. Think the pressures of motherhood and the sleep deprivation that brings with it have not helped my situation but I now have hope that going back on the lexepro will help and I will get back to sleeping so thank you again!

    • Thank you so much for your story. I began having these hypnic jerks in November after a misdiagnosis of a terrible condition from a doctor. I went down the rabbit hole of Dr. Google about the disease, and that night the jerks began. Luckily I have a wonderful family practitioner that prescribed Klonopin to get me through the nights while I work with a therapist to determine whether I have general or situational anxiety. I lead a very active, healthy life, and these have preoccupied my brain. I begin to worry about the Klonopin, will these ever go away, will anyone ever figure out what is wrong with me…. It is a viscous cycle! Your story brings me so much hope! Thank you! I would really appreciate if you could share any additional, positive reinforcement.

  22. yesterday i waked up with a high jerk and a so fast heart beats and so scared when i tried to catch the phone to call a friend for a help i felt dowen into the ground and i didnot felt my right leg
    i am from Egypt but now i am out side my country for work i am really affraid
    this is my fiest week here but everyday i feel not good and want to back home but wish to try to stand is it dangeourous
    help me for god sake

    • Hi ahmed
      Thanks for your comment. I think the best thing is to speak to a local doctor if you’re worried about your health. If it was just a hypnic jerk, then there’s nothing to worry about. But if you have more falls, or your leg numbness continued, or keeps happening, it’s a good idea to see a doctor.

  23. hello
    after experiencing this some years ago while going through a difficult time I realised that I was highly acidic and that my Instinctive Survival Reflex which is unconscious,was creating a sense of fear to alert me to Ph imbalance which manifested in my case as fear of dying/falling. First of all I did EFT for my fear of dying/falling and then alkalised my system briefly with bicarb. Problem solved,never had it again. Consuming acidic foods is never a good idea at night because that is when acidity/ph peaks hence why Gout attacks often occur at night time.By addressing the emotional and physical a good outcome is much more likely.
    Brett Donovan

  24. Hi
    I’d like to give some hope to all hypnic jerk sufferers .
    I’m getting better ever since I began adding APPLE CIDER VINEGAR to my diet.
    Before that I was also getting better with P-5-P (50 mg) (Active coenzyme form of B6) and also catnip (organic). The latter I take only whenever I have some jerks (which is rarely now, thank God!). Both are natural, one is a vitamin, the other is an herb. So no harm in trying. People talk a lot about magnesium, but for me it did nothing .
    The apple cider vinegar is what is helping me the most. As you can see in this link, https://www.rd.com/health/wellness/apple-cider-vinegar-benefits/ it cures hiccups. And what are hiccups, if not myoclonus ? Hypnic jerks are just another type of the problem, but myoclonus, nonetheless. So, if apple cider vinegar can cure one of them, it can cure the other.
    I take it the following way : I put half a litter (16 oz) of organic apple cider vinegar and then add another 16 oz of drinking water in a jar and leave it in the fridge. I also add some honey to the mixture (it’s just to make it taste better). Then I drink about 100 ml (0,33 oz) twice a day, with some water, one of them just before going to sleep.
    Ever since I began doing that I’ve rarely experienced any jerks. If they do happen then it’s because I may have ingested something that caused them, like some medicine. For example, one night I had them because of the dentist’s anesthesia. But even on that occasion, they weren’t very severe and passed after taking the catnip and more of the P-5-P.
    All the suggestions above are entirely natural, so I hope you will give it a try and get better, like I did.

    • Hi Ariana
      Thanks for your comment and very interesting suggestion. I haven’t tried this myself, but it does seem to be recommended in various places as a hiccup cure. Incidentally, the best hiccup cure I’ve seen is to stretch your hands above you head and breathe deeply!
      I will add this one to the list as it would be interesting to see if other readers have tried it.

      • Hi Ethan,

        Another thing that I’ve recently learned and am having success with so far is to use the power of positive thinking and imagery to protect my brain whenever I have to take some medicine that I fear will bring on jerks.
        In my previous post, I said that the dentist’s anesthesia caused me jerks. Well, since I began doing this technique, I no longer have that reaction to this drug, that, according to my dentist, has adrenalin as one of the main ingredients and stays in somebody’s system for like 3 days .
        Now, whenever I have to take a medicine I’m not sure will cause me myoclonus, before taking it I close my eyes and imagine my brain as a pretty healthy one, and imagine that it is completely enveloped by a big bubble (like a transparent balloon), which will shield it against the adverse effects of the drug I will be taking shortly. And while doing this, I have to believe it will work.
        And, surprise, both times I tried it , I felt nothing at all afterwards, no side effects from anesthesia. These type of imagery training is largely disclosed by a few religions such as Seicho-no-Ie and others (although you don’t need to be a religious person for this to work, its is enough to believe the protection will happen).
        There are other imagery exercises that I began training as well, such as : as I am lying in bed waiting to sleep, I picture my whole body, organ by organ, as very healthy, with no issues at all.

  25. Hello,
    My husband and I both experience these jerks. I will jerk and then he will. It’s strange. But I read most of your article, but in bed now trying to sleep and we jerked. I asked him to hand my phone to me so I could look it up. We were worried. We do have stress so that may be a factor. The heavy exercises, can that be a sexual activity as well? I’m thick(alil extra work for a big girl lol) and we normally have sex about an hour before bed. We don’t drink often. We do drink chocolate milk before bed. Is that considered a caffeine? We both have them? I just don’t understand? It sounds like we are doing everything wrong to experience these jerks. What can we do? Like is it the sex? Is it the milk? We also sleep with the TV on. It’s turned down but we can still hear it. I am trying to go to sleep so I will read the rest of your article when I wake up. Maybe some answers will be there. Thank you for this! I’m glad ita nothing serious. Also, he is 27 and I am 30.

    • Hi Kayleigh
      Thanks for your comment. I don’t think sex is likely to cause it. If anything, it should help you relax! However, perhaps by overheating, having a TV on and drinking sugary drinks before bed could all be contributing. You could experiment and try not having the TV on, and changing your bedroom drink for a week. But the answer may well lie elsewhere. If stress is a big factor in your lives, that’s a likely trigger. Maybe you could try doing relaxation exercises before going to sleep. But at the end of the day, it might just be a normal, natural thing that’s nothing to worry about. If it doesn’t keep you awake for ages, there’s really nothing to be concerned about. Perhaps try to see it as a sign that sleep is on its way!

  26. Hi,

    Just some advise to help people who suffered Hypnic Jerk Daily. I used to suffered hypnic jerk Daily and i can only sleep 1 hour and sometimes no sleep at all. This due to after taking a course of Antibiotic due to my sinustisis problem. For more than 4 months i suffered from it and finally i know what is the solution for it. ” LESS INFLAMMATION IN THE BODY LESS HYPNIC JERK”. For me the reason is due to Antibiotic my flora bacteria is out of balance and i also have B12 and Iron Deficience. I also suffered Acid Reflux (Some people silent reflux). So my technique is, i followed a starch based dietby drmacdougall. I eat lots of low GI carbs which can help increase DOPAMINE to help you sleep. And also i reduce animal products 99%, i only eat half small chicken breast once a week. I eat lots of veges and fruits to alkaline my body. THE RESULT:

    After 5 months i am totallly 100% no more suffer ACID REFLUX and Stomach Inflamation.
    Hypnic Jerk become less and almost gone 99%. I only suffered if i did not eat properly.
    If it comes and attack at night time dont worry… Drink some water and relax.
    For me the main vitamin has help a lot is vitamin B12 and i eat lots of beans (black,green and red) for Iron. B12 + Iron really helps subside the jerk until i almost cannot feel it anymore. But avaoid too much animal food as it makes your body produce more acid and becomes acidic environment due digesting the meat. Once your body is acidic then the jerk will start again because acidic environment creates inflammation and also CANCER.

    Hope this information can help everybody.


    • Hi Dave
      Thanks for your comment, and for sharing all of these ideas. It was interesting to read about what helped you. I do wonder how easy it was to work out exactly what it was that made the difference when you made such a big change to your diet in general. But the main thing is that it helped you!

  27. hello,

    Ive just read your articles with great interest.
    Im a 59 year old male fit and active. Ive been experiencing Jerks for many years probably
    30 years in total and have in the main ignored them until recently when they have become far more prominent and severe most nights. They always start with leg and hip jerks, quite often both legs at the same time, this can happen 20-30 time maybe more over 10-20 mins, then very often I get the whole body jerk and bolt upright in bed, it does sometime feel like Im having a heart attack or dying but you soon realise that after experiencing it many times that its just a feeling and nothing more. I find the alcohol sends me to sleep quickly but the night after alcohol always seems the worst for me so Im going to try a week or two free of alcohol (and coffee) to see if this makes a difference, I will also try supplements suggested ie calcium and magnesium.
    Ive seen my Doctor on a couple of occasions and he doenst seem worried about it (easy to say when its someone else experiencing it) It can be very frightening especially the whole body jerk and sometimes the head noise.
    Other feelings with the body jerk are like electric shock (without the pain) or like someone has used a tazar on me again no pain.
    Having read the article and I now know its fairly common, Im sure I will relax a little more at bedtime…. its not killed me in 30 years so I don’t expect it will now.



    • Hi Paul
      Thanks for your comment. I’m glad the article was useful, and I do hope that you can relax a little more now, as you think you might too. Perhaps the lack of caffeine and alcohol will have an effect; it’s certainly worth trying. And with the supplements too, with a little luck, the symptoms will ease off. Let me know in a couple of weeks if you have a moment – it’s always great to hear back from readers who are undertaking experiments like this.

  28. I fall asleep in class ALL the time always waking up with a jolt. I have morning coffee everyday but why do my mid class naps end in a jolt. I need to wake more causally because I don’t want to be caught sleeping in class please help.

    • Hi Daniel
      Thanks for your comment. Do you only fall asleep in class, or at other times of the day when you shouldn’t do as well? If it happens regularly while doing things, it might be good to speak to a doctor to check you don’t have a sleep disorder called narcolepsy.
      In terms of not waking with a jolt though, that might be impossible to control! The only way would be to stop falling asleep in class. And the best way to do that is to make sure you get enough sleep every night. So my advice would be to set yourself a regular sleep schedule of at least 8 hours sleep a night, and try to stick to it.

  29. Hi Ethan,
    Nice article. I’m experiencing hypnotic jerk for the third time. In my life. Now I’m 31. First time at the age of 20, 27 and now. All these times I was very tired at work. Had some sweet salty or oily food in the night. When I woke up suddenly to go to restroom, I had sudden falling and a sort of giddiness was there. After few to several minutes I woke up and moved to bed. As you said it may be due to lack of calcium and magnesium supplements in food.

    • Hi there
      Thanks for your comment and compliment. It could be in part due to nutrition, but also I think tiredness can play a part. Many people, myself included, notice that it’s worse when they are under pressure and exhausted.

  30. My problem with hypnic jerks began many years ago and instead of feeling like I was falling I felt like I was dying. Actually I KNEW I was dying because my brain said “oh, I am dying now”. I had absolutely no clue about hypnic jerks and there was no “Google” then. I scoured my medical books and found nothing so went to my doctor and he sent me for an ECG, to an allergist and finally for counseling because it was determined I was anxious — well yeah, I thought I was dying. It all culminated in a nervous breakdown even though the hypnic jerks had stopped after a week or so. Then two decades later they came back with a vengeance and I got chronic insomnia because EVERY TIME I tried to sleep they woke me. I HAD figured out that I wasn’t actually dying of course but that was still the thought that accompanied the jerk. I wound up in the hospital–suicidal from lack of sleep. But I got on medication and that was good. I only finally discovered the term hypnic jerks about two years ago when I googled muscle twitches and it took me to Dr Andrew Weil’s website. He had good suggestions on breathing and muscle relaxing. I thought that it was very weird that I thought I was dying instead of falling. Maybe I fell to my death in a past life!

    • Hi Dale
      Thanks for your comment. What a terrible ordeal that sounds like! I think your story highlights how even though the internet can be problematic where self-diagnosis is concerned, it’s also a great source of valuable information. If it can help prevent people from spiraling downwards because of a lack of knowledge about what’s happening to them, it’s a positive thing.

        • Hi again
          I’m not sure it is that common to be honest. Though I do recall a couple other readers mentioning similar feelings in previous comments. Perhaps a fear connected to the feeling of falling might lead some people to form the conclusion that they might die when they hit the ground! Equally, perhaps some people simply interpret the unusual sensation as what might happen when they die. Since we don’t really know what it feels like to die, maybe the brain wonders in moments like these if it might be that.

    • Hi Dale,
      I would like to know more about your medication and how Dr Andrew Weil helped you. I am going through the same ordeal. Do you mind sharing a bit more?

  31. Hi,
    I am 19 weeks pregnant and from past two days I am unable to sleep. As I am slipping into sleep, I wake up with a forceful exhalation and I feel my stomach vibrate. I am sure its not the baby movement. Just a sudden puff of air I exhale and wake up with stomach feeling weird. I am dreading to go to sleep :( hope this will not effect my baby. Please reply.

    • Hi Aparna
      Thanks for your comment. I’m no expert in pregnancy, so wouldn’t like to give you any specific advice. I think the best thing to do is mention it to your doctor, just to be one the safe side and give yourself some peace of mind.

  32. I’ve literally just had a Hypnic jerk. It was so severe and frightening, I’m now wide awake. I’ve had them before but not to this extent. I’ve decided to do some more research. Sometimes it might just be an arm or a leg that jerks but this time it was my whole body at such a force. By far the worst one I’ve had. I’m already taking Magnesium for RLS, I wonder if these could be connected?


    • Hi Fiona
      Thanks for your comment. If you have RLS, there could be a connection – especially if you’re taking medication or supplments for it. I’d talk it through with your doctor and see if they think there’s a relationship, and what – if anything – can be done about it.

  33. hi
    i was a shift worker for 30 plus years with emergency services and suffered from sleep deprivation. I would regularly have very little sleep and on occasions would be awake for 24hrs before getting any sleep. I have now been retired for 18 months and my sleep patterns have not altered. Over the years i have tried all sorts but nothing works and i only sleep for a max of 4hrs. The pattern is that when i go to bed and start to relax i fall asleep quickly but within ten mins i have a massive jolt and i wake and then cannot get back to sleep for a couple of hours. I then sleep for 4 hours and wake. Within about a minute of waking i start sweating and get very hot and within a minute my body returns to its normal temperature. I get tired later in the day and feel lethargic in the afternoon to the point where i nearly fall asleep but do not. If i drink alcohol at all i fall into a deep sleep for 2 hours at bedtime and then am awake all night.
    Any help would be welcome.

    • Hi d
      Thanks for your comment. That must be very frustrating for you – I can imagine you were really hoping your sleep would change! Do you feel stressed or anxious a lot? I’m wondering if maybe there’s an element of that leading to the sleep problems, and your body’s response when you wake up. Have you spoken to your doctor about it at all? It might be good to get a professional opinion if you’ve tried different things, with no luck. And of course, do try the techniques listed by other readers in the article. Perhaps something in there might help to take the edge off the hypnic jerks, assuming that’s what they are.
      The alcohol thing is quite normal also. It’s been shown that alcohol can help you fall asleep faster and have more deep sleep, but less REM sleep and more noctural wakings are also likely, which results in less good refreshing sleep.

  34. After I have been asleep for a few hours I have felt a couple different shocking feelings. a few times I have felt like I was hit with a stun gun, I have felt a few times like someone has hit me in the face or if I was stung by a wasp. The last instance I was woken like someone shot a glass bottle right by my ear. I have gotten up to see if someone was in the room. it felt sooo real. I have had sleep jerks with the sense of falling before but the ones that really concern me are the ones that shock very hard after I have been asleep for a while. What are your thoughts?

    • Hi Shawn
      Thanks for your comment. It could be exploding head syndrome from your description. It’s hard to tell, as it could also be a form of sleep hallucination on waking. But I imagine it’s probably one or the other.

  35. This would happen to me maybe twice a month but it was always when I was really, really tired. But, in the last 3 to 4 weeks, it’s occurs 3x a week (give or take). I then get into a cycle where I start thinking about it and really laying there “waiting” for one. I know this is actually causing them to happen more frequently but can’t seem to take my mind off them. Which of course, results in bad nights of sleep. What I’d say is a little troubling is that my heart starts beating faster (and “loud” enough I can feel it in my chest). I’m a very healthy 41 year old male with no issues of heart problems so I’m not really concerned about anything really wrong but the fact that the cycle of “jerks” is happening more and more has messed with my mood from day to day.

    • Hi Mark
      Thanks for your comment. It sounds like perhaps there’s an issue with hypervigilence there. Both focusing on the hypnic jerks and your heartbeat can definitely result in you getting stuck in a vicious circle, interfering with your sleep. You could try some self-help techniques, such as breathing or meditation exercises while in bed. This can help you to relax and take your mind off focusing on things that worry you. If you continue to have trouble after a couple of weeks trying, perhaps speak to your doctor about it. Also if you look up hypervigilence in relation to health online, you’ll find useful advice about that.

  36. Thanks alot for this info has settled my been worried over the years of this this issue , suprisinly most doctors know nothing about this jerks nor it’s solutions, so sad and frustrating seeking their help. I will like to get updates of new infro.
    For me I notice I experience it when am stressed out, go to bed angry and bitter, relent in my intake of calcium, Bco, mag etc supplements. May God bless and keep u

    • Hi Helen
      Thanks for your comment. I’m glad you found the article helpful. Sometimes it’s hard for doctors to find the exact cause and best treatment of a problem. And sleep problems can be very tricky to solve. So it’s good to try the self-help techniques here as well. It also sounds like you know what makes it worse for you, so you can try to work on those things too.

  37. i sometimes get these. One time, i was falling asleep when out of nowhere i dreamt that i fell and woke up with my heart beating and i felt that my right foot just kicked. It really annoys me since overtime, it happens when i am already falling asleep and really sleepy, it just makes my wake up with a shock

    • Hi Lisa
      Thanks for your comment. The best thing you can do is not allow yourself to react negatively to it, but just to shrug it off and accept that it’s a natural thing. And even better, a sign that you’re about to fall asleep – and will do again.

  38. I usually get these once or twice a week, sometimes three times.
    Typically one of my legs will suddenly jolt or kick and I’ll awaken a bit disoriented and of course annoyed. Rarely it’ll be my arm will swing out, and even rarer, my head will snap to one side or the other. I do think with my anxiety they are worse than other times. They do also sometimes mess with my sleep and it takes a while to get back on my sleep track as I’ll be laying down thinking about what just happened. All in all, these things suck.

    • Hi Anna
      Thanks for your comment. I think a positive step would be to try not to spend time thinking about it when it happens. As myself, and many readers do, it’s a good thing to shrug it off and see it as a sign that you’re definitely tired and sleep should come soon. Ruminating on it won’t help in any way, and just keep you awake longer.

  39. I get this when i am sleep deprived for some time. I am a horrible insomniac, and sometimes do not sleep for days. It is at this time that i experience hypnic jerks. When stressed with no sleep for maybe 3 days. This last bout, from last week, lasted 3 days when i would try to sleep and nearly jump out of bed every time i was about to fall asleep. Maybe the worst i’ve had, but i have had other episodes of the same thing. Lose sleep for a few days, then can’t fall asleep because of the hypnic jerks. What i have found is that if i catch up on a couple hours of sleep a day, they will go away in a few days. Not fun!

    • Hi Jerry
      Thanks for your comment. Yes, hypnic jerks are known to occur more regularly due to sleep deprivation. I guess it’s a good reason in your case to try your best to make sure you always get enough sleep at night. Hopefully you can keep them at bay if you stay on top of your sleep schedule.

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