What is sleep hygiene?
Sleep hygiene is what sleep experts and doctors use as an umbrella term for lots of different lifestyle habits and daily routines that give you a better chance of sleeping well.
Despite having the word ‘hygiene’ in the name, it’s not really about cleanliness. Having said that, I quite like to have an evening shower to wash away the day’s sweat and cool my body in warm weather.
The way I usually explain sleep hygiene is that it’s all about paying attention to three key areas of your life that can affect your sleep:
- Lifestyle choices, such as diet, exercise, and even how you handle stress.
- The way you set up your bed and bedroom.
- Your daily and nightly routines.
In the infographic below, you can see some of the healthy sleep habits to consider if you don’t have time to read the whole article.

Can sleep hygiene help you sleep better?
In my experience, sleep hygiene can be effective, but you might need to experiment with more than one habit to reap the rewards.
In some ways, it’s like a jigsaw puzzle, with many different pieces of advice to consider. When you connect a few pieces that are relevant to you personally, you’ll hopefully have enough to see the picture of a good night’s sleep.
An important point to keep in mind is that everybody is different. As you read through this article, you might recognise one or two areas you could optimise. Don’t stress about lining up every single sleeping duck.
This isn’t a rigid set of sleep rules that you must obey or else the doom and gloom of insomnia will surely descend upon you. You may find that just one or two key tweaks makes a big difference.
You might also find you already do some of them, which is great. If there are others that you don’t currently do, perhaps try them out for a few weeks to see if they help you sleep better.
1. Stick to a regular sleep schedule
Our bodies and minds seem to like routine, and it’s no different when it comes to sleep. In the ideal world, we’d go to bed and wake up at the same time every day. I hear you though – it’s easier said than done!
Some people struggle to fall asleep at roughly the same time every night, no matter how hard they try. It can be stressful and frustrating going to bed at 10 p.m. because you’ve calculated that gives you just enough time to sleep, but then you end up lying awake for ages.
One technique that might help is to be very consistent about the time you set your alarm in the morning. It’s easier to control the time an alarm wakes you than the time your mind finally decides to stop thinking and go to sleep.
For me personally, waking up at the same time every day has been one of the keys to improving my sleep overall. I find that having that stability in the morning helps increase the chance of stability in the nighttime too.
I also tend to sleep better in general if I continue to get out of bed reasonably early on weekends. However, I can understand that social activities and the need to catch up on some sleep might not make the idea of getting up at 7 a.m. on Saturday and Sunday very appealing.
If you can resist the temptation to spend lazy weekend mornings in bed though, getting up at (more or less) the same time every day of the week might just help your sleep schedule overall.
2. Prioritise sleep
All too often we sacrifice precious sleep time for other activities. Sometimes they are important and that’s understandable. However, we also have a tendency to get stuck on autopilot staring at screens because, well, funny cat videos exist.
If you regularly feel like you don’t get enough sleep though, it’s worth considering how much of a priority your sleep is, and how much time you set aside for it.
Ideally, it should be a non-negotiable time of the day, with just as much importance as eating or working. Obviously, there are situations when you can’t just tell your family that you’re unavailable for the next nine hours, as much as you might wish you could sometimes!
However, once you start to see sleep as important, it might make some of the micro decisions easier, such as “shall I watch another episode or go to bed?”
Go to bed, is probably the correct answer if that question comes to mind. Just don’t then migrate to your phone in bed, giggling at cats. And as much of a contradiction as it sounds, if you’ve gone to bed feeling really stressed or upset, maybe a cheeky few minutes to cheer you up might not be so bad (but you didn’t hear that from me…)
3. Don’t stay in bed if you can’t sleep
You may know from experience that lying awake for hours in the dark, endlessly changing position in the hope that you’ll hit the jackpot of the perfect position to fall asleep, steadily getting more stressed about how you’ll feel the next day, isn’t much fun.
That’s why for some people it sometimes helps to only go to bed when you feel tired rather than at the same time every night. I know this isn’t in line with the advice about having a stable sleep schedule, but it might be one to try if a sleep schedule just isn’t working for you.
It can take up to 30 minutes to fall asleep. If you’re still awake after that time, it might be better to get up for a while, then try to sleep again a bit later. During that time, you could repeat part of the bedtime routine coming up next.
Personally, if I can’t fall asleep, I either make myself a cup of herbal tea, or just turn the light on and read my book for a while.
4. Have a relaxing bedtime routine
Sometimes, the reason we can’t fall asleep is simply an overactive mind. Perhaps you’re in mental fifth gear right up until bedtime and just can’t unwind. Maybe you feel physically relaxed, but when you switch the light off, the worry train seems to start up.
Taking some time before bed to regularly do a calming activity or two can help prepare your mind for sleep. By giving yourself time to relax before you try to sleep, there’s less chance your mind will decide to do all that thinking in bed. This is another key point, so I’ve written an extended article about it:
Discover ideas for a calming bedtime routine
5. Calm your mind with relaxation techniques
Before you go to bed it can help to practise relaxation techniques. You can even do them whilst lying in bed to help you relax and fall asleep. There are several exercises you might like to try:
- Deep breathing exercises.
- Gentle yoga.
- Progressive muscle relaxation.
- Guided meditation and visualization recordings.
- Mindfulness techniques.
If you’re the kind of person who struggles with worrying or endlessly thinking in bed, these techniques can be effective because they help shift your mind’s focus away from your worries, plans, and thoughts about the future. Again, this is a big topic, so I’ve written a separate article full of practical relaxation techniques you can try:
Learn some relaxation techniques
6. Make your bedroom a sanctuary for sleep
Your bedroom, bed, and bedding can have a profound effect on your sleep. Take a look at the following ideas and see how many you currently do:
- Keep the bedroom tidy, clean, and free from clutter.
- If there are two of you, make sure you have a large enough bed.
- Use a mattress and/or mattress topper that has the right level of firmness and support for you.
- If the bedroom feels stuffy or humid, open a window or use a dehumidifier.
- Use opaque curtains or blackout blinds to prevent light from coming in. If that’s not possible, use a sleep mask.
- Don’t let your bedroom get too hot or too cold. When I was looking into the ideal bedroom temperature for sleep, I found that suggestions varied between research studies, with a range of 61°F (16°C) to 73.4°F (23°C) for adults. You’ll also find that medical and sleep websites don’t agree on the temperature either, so it’s somewhat confusing. That’s why I personally stick to the basic rule of thumb of not too hot, not too cold, and not too humid. Just keep it comfortable enough for you to sleep well when you’re under your bedding.
That’s me in the photo above. If you’re a shift worker, or don’t have blackout blinds, there are lots of comfortable sleep masks to choose from.
7. Only use the bedroom for sleep and intimacy
It can help if your brain associates the bedroom with two main activities: sleep and sex. One obvious exception is if you find it relaxing to read a book in bed.
I also understand that this might be difficult if you live in a house share with limited personal space. Even then, you could avoid the bed more if you have a comfy chair, sofa, or beanbag in your bedroom.
I work from home a lot, and try to keep out of the bedroom during the daytime as much as possible. I never watch movies in bed either (even though it’s admittedly cozy to do in the winter!).
Perhaps most importantly, I have a personal rule of never engaging in stressful, difficult, painful, or sad conversations with my partner in bed at night.
For me, it’s very hard to fall asleep straight after an intense conversation because the ideas and emotions tend to linger. It’s much better to have those conversations during the daytime when you’re less tired and have a clearer head anyway.
8. Avoid screen time in bed
It’s often advised to avoid using a phone, tablet, laptop or other electronic screen in bed, for several reasons:
- The bright light from the screen might keep some people awake.
- Working, playing games, or surfing the internet can stimulate your brain and stop you from relaxing.
- Screen time can be addictive, and trying to beat the next level or spending time on social media can interfere with a carefully planned sleep routine.
If you strongly disagree with this point, and feel it’s relaxing to use your smartphone or tablet in bed, then try to limit it to activities that aren’t too stimulating. You can also dim the screen, use the blue light filter or night mode in the main settings.
9. Choose the right mattress
The photo above is of my bedroom and current mattress. My preference is for memory foam as it supports my body well when I sleep on my side.
Your mattress is arguably the most important part of your bed, so it’s essential to have a comfortable and supportive mattress. Here are some key points to bear in mind when choosing one:
- Your mattress should be big enough for you and a partner to sleep on, ideally with some room to stretch out and not feel confined to a narrow section.
- Mattresses tend to need replacing every eight years on average.
- When lying on your back, you should be able to slide your hand between the mattress and your back. Not too easily and not with too much force.
- Bed frames with slats are good choices as they allow air to circulate under your mattress.
If it’s too expensive to replace your mattress, a great alternative is a mattress topper. A topper can help rejuvenate an older mattress, add some softness, make it firmer, or make it feel cooler/warmer to sleep on.
Find out about the different types of mattress toppers
10. Choose high-quality bedding and pillows
Choose the best quality bedding you can reasonably afford, clean it regularly, and use hypoallergenic fabric if you have allergies.
As well as feeling more comfortable, some fabrics are better at regulating your body temperature:
- Cotton – most durable, soft and breathable. A higher thread count (350 or more) means it will be softer. Choose Egyptian, MicroCotton or Pima cotton if possible.
- Silk – ideal for hot summer nights and those with allergies.
- Satin – feels nice, but isn’t so breathable.
- Polyester – typically costs less and can feel soft, but might also feel more artificial.
11. Make sure your bedroom is quiet or block out noise
External noise and snoring are common causes of sleeplessness. When it comes to noise, there are essentially two avenues to explore: stopping the noise at the source and reducing how much sound reaches your tired mind.
Here are a few options to try:
- If a neighbour or someone in your house is creating the noise, speak to them about it honestly and calmly. Don’t just put up with it if it’s driving you crazy, but don’t start a sound war either. Like all wars, you’ll both suffer.
- If you can’t stop the noise at the source, try using earplugs, headphones, a white noise machine, or a fan.
- Use heavy curtains by an external window or consider getting double glazing.
- Put more furniture or other furnishings by a shared wall to soak up some sound.
A bedroom should be a little like a cave: cool, dark, and quiet. But I appreciate that cutting out loud noise from the outside world (or a partner’s jet engine snoring) isn’t always so easy.
If this is a serious, ongoing problem for you, you might also find it helpful to read my longer article about noise in the bedroom:
See my tips for blocking out noise in bed
12. Avoid caffeine and energy drinks
Some people can drink an espresso after dinner and still fall asleep as instantly as an instant coffee.
Seriously, how do they do that?!
For the rest of us mere mortals with higher caffeine sensitivity, an espresso martini probably isn’t the best choice of evening drink.
If you’re sensitive to stimulants, you might want to avoid these drinks in the afternoon too, as caffeine can stay in your body for a long time:
- Coffee.
- Black tea.
- Green tea, as it does contain caffeine.
- Coca-Cola, Pepsi, and other colas.
- Energy and sports drinks such as Red Bull.
- Sugary drinks.
If you enjoy having hot drink at night, either warm milk or a herbal tea could form a part of your bedtime routine. You can find many sleep teas in stores, supermarkets and online nowadays.
13. Cut out the nightcap
Some people believe that alcohol helps them fall asleep faster, and researchers have also shown that to be possible, such as in this study review in 2013.
However, researchers have also shown, such as in a study in Finland in 2018, that alcohol can affect the quality of your sleep in ways you might not notice, which results in you feeling less refreshed the next day.
Other studies, such as in 2015 and 2020, have found a correlation between worse sleep quality and excessive alcohol consumption.
So if you do choose to drink alcohol in the evening, perhaps try to limit the amount you consume.
14. Stay hydrated
Researchers in 2013 found that drinking enough water during the day was associated with better sleep.
There are differing opinions about exactly how much water is sufficient, and it depends on factors such as your age, size, and activity levels.
The NHS in the United Kingdom has this recommendation:
6 to 8 cups or glasses of fluid a day. Water, lower-fat milk and sugar-free drinks, including tea and coffee, all count.
NHS website
And in 2010, the the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) issued a report suggesting a daily intake of 2 litres of fluids for women and 2.5 litres for men.
I also recommend keeping a glass or bottle of water by your bed in case you wake up feeling thirsty. And when I wake up in the morning, the first thing I like to do is have a good drink of water to rehydrate my body after the night’s sleep.
15. Take stock of your late night meals and snacks
Your diet might be having more of an impact on your sleep than you realise.
Here are some points to consider when it comes to food and sleep:
- Try eating your biggest meal of the day for breakfast or lunch if your dinner time is usually quite late. If you can’t, eat dinner earlier in the evening if possible. The important thing is not to eat a very heavy meal late late in the evening.
- Avoid sugary food before bed, especially chocolate as it may contain caffeine.
- Avoid spicy, unhealthy fats, or fried food before bed.
- Avoid food with lots of processed carbohydrates at night. If you eat pasta, for example, eat wholewheat pasta.
My personal rule of thumb is that if my choice of dinner leaves me feeling bloated, it probably wasn’t the best choice. That’s also the reason I try to avoid excessive snacking late at night, as much as I love crunching my way through a giant bowl of popcorn while watching a good movie.
17. Regular exercise
Tiring both your brain and your body out during the day may naturally help you sleep better. It makes logical sense really: if you’re tired, you’re more likely to fall asleep.
A poll by the National Sleep Foundation found that 83% of adults who did vigorous exercise during the day had fairly or very good sleep. In comparison, just 56% who didn’t do any exercise slept well.
Not only does exercise naturally tire you out, but it can also help with stress, anxiety and depression. So by helping you relax and deal with mental turmoil, it’s helping you unwind and sleep better.
This is another of the factors which makes the biggest difference for me personally. I’m certain I sleep better on days I do exercise, especially compared to a lazy Sunday bingeing on the latest Netflix series.
18. Spend time in daylight
Even if you can’t get out to do some exercise, it’s a good idea to go for a walk or just sit outside in the daylight for a while. Sunlight helps keep your body clock ticking over nicely, and is good for mental well-being. Ideally, try to spend some time outdoors in the morning or early afternoon.
19. Quit smoking
Nicotine is a stimulant, and like caffeine, can disrupt the sleep process. An interesting study in 2019 found that ‘evening nicotine use was associated with that night’s lower sleep efficiency’.
At the very least try not to smoke in the hour or two before bedtime. And if you’re a regular smoker, this is another good reason to consider quitting.
Now, I know it’s unlikely you’ll immediately give up smoking based on a couple of paragraphs on a sleep website! If you’ve been thinking of cutting down though, and just needed one more nudge or ‘good reason’, perhaps you could use the sleep point as a catalyst for change.
Your views and suggestions
How many of these sleep hygiene habits do you do now? Are there any you think would help you, or do you have any other suggestions? Let me know in the comments below as I’d love to hear from you.
Is it possible to get a printed copy of Sleep Hygiene Tips ? I didn’t see a print icon but possible I overlooked it. Thanks
Hi Sharon
I don’t have that option enabled on the site currently, so you’d have to right click copy it, which I don’t mind you doing if it’s for personal use only rather than putting on another website.
I am so grateful to have come across your informative and helpful information and personal experiences. I have always been a night owl, preferring to go to bed from 11pm-12 midnight as I am awake anywhere from 1-7am, an earlier to bed. I would get up at 7am to get ready for work. I am now suffering menopause and was averaging 4 hrs a night sleep. To try to rectify this, I went on HRT but although it helps generally (no flushes through the day now); it hasn’t helped with sufficient sleep at night. A GP put me on zopiclone for one week to try to induce a regulated sleep pattern, then 3 days off; 3 days on, but this triggered sleeping when on the tablet but no sleep or virtually no sleep on the nights not taking zopiclone. I had an unpleasant experience at work and experienced nights of no sleep at all. This caused anxiety and because upset from no sleep and work situation, started a series of trying different medications (all didn’t help: sertraline for 2 weeks; then mitazapan which I stayed awake on and was horrific so stopped after just 2 nights). So I was put back on zopiclone for 2 weeks (was signed off sick with stress from work for 9 weeks). They made me redundant 2 days before Christmas 2020. Now when try to come off zooiclone, I get rebound insomnia. So now amitriptyline and on x3 10mg and 1/4 tablet of zopiclone – amitriptyline alone, is not stopping fight or flight hypnotic jerks (prevents me sleeping as happens all night). I want to be able to sleep naturally but since taking zopiclone, my body/brain doesn’t seem to know how… have you had any experience or have any advice for this?
Hi Karen
Thanks for your comment and for sharing your experience. To answer your question first, no I haven’t had personal experience with these sleeping pills. I have always stuck with herbal and over-the-counter sleep aids instead of prescription ones. But I do know that people do sometimes have the kind of sleep problems you describe when they stop taking a sleep aid that was working well for them. I would speak to your doctor about your desire to come off the sleep aids and see if they can work with you to taper them off. They might also be able to refer you to some therapy for insomnia if it’s available where you are. Look up CBT-I and you’ll see what I mean. But you might also find some of the advice you get is similar to what you can find online easily. The difference is it would be tailored specifically to you and your situation rather than being generic advice. But in the meantime, I would suggest trying to put as many of the sleep hygiene tips into practice as you can if any seem strikingly different from what you usually do. I think for some people, just one or two adjustments can make a difference. Others might need a broader set of changes to see improvements. But my advice to people I meet in real life is always to see it as a challenge – really get stuck into trying out different techniques and lifestyle changes if appropriate in the hope that something works for you.
Hi Ethan,
Your website has been very helpful in my quest for a full night’s sleep.
I recently purchased a “FitBit ” watch to look at sleep patterns. It shows that although getting enough total sleep I am getting 0% or less of deep sleep. Is there a way or sleep ad to improve this particular segment?
Charles Stark
Hi Charles
Thanks for your comment, and it’s good to know the website was useful for you. It sounds like something is wrong if it shows 0% deep sleep. Are the REM and light sleep quantities showing up?
Since my wife passed away in December I’ve not been able to sleep till at least 3am or later. I’ve tried all sorts of over the counter products. I always have some kind of side effects. I would give anything to go to bed and sleep.
I just stumbled upon your site to read your review of Spoonk. I have had trouble sleeping for about 8 months, as my best friend was very sick and it created an unending anxious state for me. I am now falling asleep, but wake with anxiety. Do you have any suggestions for that? I follow most of your sleep hygiene suggestions.
Thank you,
Hi Sue
Thanks for your comment, and sorry to hear you’ve had a rough time with your friend being ill. I think there are two points here: how do you stop yourself waking up with anxiety, and what do you do when or if it happens. In my mind, the second is perhaps easier to tackle, as there might be many reasons you wake up, and the problem is then that your anxiety floods back (in my experience at least). I find that two things really help: first, remind yourself that it’s ok to wake up, not stress about being awake, try to relax and just enjoy the comfort of your bed and know that you will fall asleep again. Second, simple breathing exercises can really help to take your mind out of your head and focus on simple physical movements instead. Perhaps try those and see if it helps. As for the anxiety itself, I personally find if I do 5-20 mins of meditation or yoga before bed, I tend to wake up less frequently.
I have a problem where I’ll wake up just about every two hours with a random song, usually just a small part of the song playing endlessly in my head. It’s usually a song I listened to that day or recently. Alternately I’ll have the same problem of waking up every two hours because I’ll be having a persistent dream that I’m trying to solve a problem or puzzle that only exists in the dream and is complete nonsense when I wake up. This will continue all night.
The most annoying issue I have is having to visit the bathroom at least three or four times a night. I’ve tried everything, eating things that are supposed to help bladder control, not drinking caffeine, not drinking sugary drinks, not drinking anything after 7pm, holding it longer and longer until I almost wet my pants. Nothing I’ve tried helps. Basically, I don’t sleep well, ever, and when I manage to get a pretty good amount of sleep is with an over the counter sedative sleeping pill. I’ve heard taking one every night is bad in the long term but there is no other way for me. I’ve even tried the sleep hygiene stuff, which for sure can help me fall asleep faster, but does not at all help me stay asleep.
Hi Charissa
Thanks for your comment. I can understand your frustration from what you described. I have to say I’m not a big believer in making yourself hold it in if you need to go – I think it’s adding unnecessary suffering! But have you been to the doctor to get a checkup for your general health? It might be worth doing.
I also wonder if the vivid dreams could be associated with the sleep aids you take. Does it happen when you don’t take them? Do you notice they happen more or less when you do certain things?
Dear Sir,
Thank you for information. I was facing difficulty in falling sleep but now a days when I sleep dream start continuously. I don’t like to take any medicine. Please help
Thanks for your comment. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with remembering your dreams regularly. Is that what you’re worrying about?
I am wondering about the Kindle Paperwhite ereader, if reading it in bed will disrupt sleep?
Hi Dee
Thanks for your comment. I haven’t used one, but as I understand it, the light shines from LEDs onto the screen, and not directed towards your eyes. If you read this technology website article, it points out the difference between using tablets to read, and backlit e-readers.
I have very poor sleeping habits.
Once I tried to keep a diary. I decided to do it before bed, when I had time. I also find it nice to drink some tea while writing. Anyways journaling + tea became kind of “bedtime ritual” as a side effect. I unload all thoughts on the paper, which is calming on its own and shortly after it go to bed. Main idea was keeping a diary, but I also fell asleep super easy after that ( the easiest in my life actually). Usually I am anxious person and it takes me time to fall asleep. So rituals and some calming work like a charm for me.
Hi Sam
Thanks for your comment and for sharing this. Keeping a diary before going to bed is such a simple idea, yet one we rarely put into practice. It’s a shame because it’s actually very effective, especially if you don’t sleep well because of stress or anxiety etc. It’s also great to create a bedtime ritual, with a relaxing cup of tea being another classic, and effective technique.
Have you heard about yellow/orange-lenses glasses?
Hi Cindy
Thanks for this suggestion – yes, I have heard about them. It seems they could be a good idea for people who use electronic devices like smartphones, tablets and laptops at night. Here’s an interesting article in the New York Times blog about the idea.
I read Ebooks in bed because it’s less disruptive to others. The new feature on tablets “blue shade” or some variant of “night or bed mode” filters out the blue light waves which science has found to be the most problem inducing environmental factor when it comes to trouble sleeping, and it spills from nearly every light up anything except digital clocks with red display. It helps
Hi Rae
Thanks for your comment. That’s a very good suggestion for people who like to use digital readers. If you have that feature on your device it’s definitely worth using it.
I tried all of these except that I don’t come out of bed when I can’t sleep but nothing works for me. At times I don’t go to sleep for 3-4 days in a row and when I sleep it’s not more then 2-3 hours a night.
Hi Sandy
Thanks for your comment. I can understand your frustration if you go so many days in a row without sleeping. When it’s that bad, it’s probably good to speak to your doctor to get some advice, especially if it’s affecting your day to day life. I’d also have a go at staying out of bed until you feel sleepy. You might be able to stave off the feeling of frustration that can come from lying awake for hours on end.